HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022


 HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

|| HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022|| HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Jobs 2022|| HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Notification & Online Form 2022||

Reference invited to the Advertisement No.Rectt-18/2020 dated 01.06.2020, Online Applications are invited from eligible and desirous candidates for the recruitment of the following posts of Category B, C & D on regular/contract/daily wages basis in Himachal Pradesh University. The interested candidates may apply through Online Recruitment Portal of the University i.e. http://www.recruitment.hpushimla.in or http://www.hpu niv.ac.in. The online application can be filled up from 07.01.2022 to 29.01.2022. Thereafter the link will be disabled. 

  • The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates.
  • The candidates who have already applied against the advertisement No. Rectt-18/2020 dated 01.06.2020 need not to apply again. However, they may upload additional information, if any.
Vacancy Details:-
HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

HPU Shimla Clerk,JOA (IT) & other Posts Recruitment 2022

1. Age:- The minimum and maximum age limit for post(s) mentioned at sr. no. 4 to 29 is 18 to 45 years, reckoned as on prescribed closing date for submission of application forms. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Person with Benchmark Disabilities and Children/ Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The relaxation in upper age to Ex-Servicemen candidate of H.P. will be as per provisions of relevant rules instructions of H.P. Govt.

2. Reservation:The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the applicants,
who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz S.C., S.T., O.B.C., E.W.S., B.P.L., Ex-Servicemen, WFF and Persons with disabilities (Locomotor Disabled / Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired) etc. No change of category shall be allowed after receipt of application, i.e. from SC to OBC/ST etc. etc.

3. Application Processing Fees:The detail of application fees for respective categories is as under
  • General Category:-2000/-
  • SC of HP/ST of HP/OBC of HP/EWS of HP/B.P.L of HP:- 1000/-
1. The candidates must read the IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS/Other Terms and Conditions CAREFULLY before uploading the online application forn for the relevant post

2. The cardidates are advised to note down the USER ID and PASSWORD and this User ID and Password will be applicable for all future references correspondences regarding the written examination/ test, downloading Roll Nos./Call letters for documentation entering fee detail etc.

3. The candidate should enter her/his particulars i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth as per her/his Matric Certificate and uploaded scanned photograph and signature. The size of scanned photograph should be less than 50kb and size of scanned signature should be less than 30kb only. Otherwise the application will not move to next step.
4. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates.

5. The candidates who have already applied against the advertisement No. Rectt-18/2020 dated 01.06.2020 need not to apply again. However, they may upload additional information, if any

6. The candidates are required to apply separately for each post with requisite application
processing fee. The candidates belonging to reserve category (for B category posts) from
other state, their candidature shall be treated in General category only and required to
submit full application fees of General category. Further, a candidate of reserve category
willing to apply against Gen(UR) posts is also required to remit full application fees, if
otherwise eligible for the said post unde Geo(UR) category.

7. The candidates are advised to give their working mobile Number and e-mail ID, used by
them in the Online Application (OA) and ensure their working till the completion of
selection process to avoid inconvenience. There will be no other means of contacting
them except their e-mail & Mobile numbers.

8. The candidates shall fill up their complete and correct particulars in the online application
forms to avoid rejection of candidature.

9. Date for determining eligibility of all applicants in respect of essential qualification and
experience, if any, etc., shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of online
appliontion forms .29.01.2022.

10. The canviidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, cxperience, age and
essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned against each post in the advertisement to avoid
rejection at later stage. The decision of University in this regard shall be final.

11. Onus of proving that a candidate has acquired requisite essential qualifications by the
stipulated date is on the candidate and in the absence of proof to the contrary, the date as
mentioned on the face of certificate degree or the date of issue of certificate degree shall
be taken as date of acquiring essential qualification. No extra opportunity shall be
provided to the candidate to produce any certificates/documents at the time of evaluation.

12. In respect of equivalent clause in essential Qualifications, if a carulidate is claiming a
particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of
advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/ letter in this regard,
indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated
otherwise the application is liable to be rejected

13. The selection process is atinxed al annexure “A” of the advertisement.

14. Eligibility for vacancies in sub-category of SPORTSMAN shall be as per the norms
framed by Department of Youth Services and Sports, Himachal Pradesh.

15. Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time. The
University reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up the advertised post(s) or to call
limited applicants for evaluation of documents personality test/ interview. No TA/DA
will be paid for attending written/skill test evaluation of documents personality test/
interview etc.

Last Date:- 29-01-2022

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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