IGMC Shimla Lab Technician Recruitment 2021
|| IGMC Shimla Lab Technician Recruitment 2021|| IGMC Shimla Lab Technician Jobs 2021||
Applications are invited to fill up the following lists on co terminus basis under the scheme entitled “Multi-Disciplinary Research Units (MRU) at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (HP) funded by ICMR/DHR New Delhi initially for a period of one year on completion/ winding-up of the Scheme/ Programme Project, whichever is earlier. The Scheme/ Programme/ Project may be extendable on the recommendation of the funding agency. The duly filled Applications along with testimonials are required to be submitting in original in the office or the undersigned on or before 09.12.2021 till 5.00 PM.
Vacancy Details:-
- Post Name:- Lab Technician
- Total Posts :- 02 Post
1. The candidate must be bonafied Himachali.
2. The appointment is purely on Co-terminus basis (Fixed salary) for a period of one year. If the contract is not extended further, the same will lapse automatically without assigning any reason. The appointment can also be terminated at any time on either side, by giving one month notice.
3. Age Relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates ex-service man under the rules applicable. The age relaxation is also for Candidates working in Health Department in H.P. State.
4. The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/ addition remuneration will be admissible in case of such assignment
5. The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like provident funds, pension, gratuity, medical attendance treatment, seniority, promotion etc. or any other benefit available to the Govt. servant appointed on regular basis.
6. The candidate has no right for regularization as the posts are purely on co-terminus basis for specified period under the project scheme.
7. The appointee shall be a whole time employee of IGMC Shimla and will not accept any other assignment, paid otherwise and shall not engage him/her in a private practice of any kind during the period contract
8. The interested candidates shall have to apply at his/her own cost. IGMC, Shimla will not bear any expenses
9. Other condition of service will be govern by relevant rules and orders issued by the Govt. of India from time to time with regard to contractual employees.
10. If any declaration given or information furnished by him/her proves false or if he/she are found to have will fully suppressed any material / information, he/she will be liable for removal from service and also such other action as the Institute may deem necessary
11. The appointee shall not be entitled to avail any allowances/facilities being extended to the adhoc / regular / permanent employee of IGMC Shimla
12. Interested candidates may apply for the Post under reference in the prescribed application form available in the Institute website appending therewith copies of self attested certificate testimonial i.e.) Matriculation certificate for age proof (ii) Relevant certificate with Mark sheet as well as higher qualification certificates with mark sheet and experience certificate if any. (ii) Himachali bonafied certificate (iv) Character certificate (v) one copy of pass-port size photograph. The incomplete Application forms/documents will be stand cancelled.
13. The criteria of selection against these posts shall be on the basis of marks obtained in the essential qualification, relevant higher qualification and having valid experience certificate in relevant field
14. In case the performance of the candidate is found un-satisfactory, his/her services can be terminated with giving one month prior notice
15. If any deficiency/https://himexam.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Madhya-Pradesh-MP-PEB-Group-2-Sub-Group-4-Various-Post-Answer-Key-2021.jpgistrative reasons are occurred, the advertisement as published earlier shall be cancelled and same is re-published after correctness
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