IIIT Una Teaching Staff Recruitment 2023

IIIT Una Teaching Staff Recruitment 2023 Notification & Application Form


IIIT Una Teaching Staff Recruitment 2023:-Applications are invited from individuals who would like to contribute for the development of IT Una, an Institute of National Importance set up, funded, and managed by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India under the Act of Parliament No. 23 of 2017. The details of positions available in the various schools of IIIT Una are as follows:

IIIT Una Teaching Staff Recruitment 2023 Overview:-

Recruitment BoardIIIT Una
Post NameTeaching Staff
No. Of Posts12
CategoryIIIT Una Jobs 2023
Job LocationHimachal Pradesh
Last Date24 December 2023
नई भर्ती की  जानकारी के लिए हमारे Telegram Group से जुड़े Himexam Telegram Group
IIIT Una Official Websitehttps://iiitu.ac.in/

Vacancy Details:-

  1. Professor:-
Post NameNo. Of PostsQualification
Professor02i) PhD in an appropriate discipline
ii)Experience of 15 years in teaching and research out of which at least 4 years at the level of Associate Professor (level 13A2) or at least seven years at the
iii) level of Associate Professor (level 13A1). Ten publications in SCI/SCIE/SCOPUS indexed journals (unpaid) out of which two should be at the level of Associate Professor.
iv) Three publications in refereed conferences at the level of Associate Professor.
v) Four PhD awarded out of which one may be in
vi) submitted stage. Two Sponsored or at least one high value project/consultancy completed or ongoing at the level of Associate Professor.
vii) Participation in at least two outreach programs such as short courses as coordinator or main teacher at the level of Associate Professor.
viii) Significant contribution to Institute management.
ix)Cumulative Essential Credit Points – 80
Associate Professor03(i)PhD in an appropriate Discipline
(ii)First Class in both the UG and PG degrees or a CGPA of 6.5 and above in both UG and PG degrees.
(iii) Six years of experience at the level of Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(iv) Six publications in SCI/SCIE/SCOPUS indexed journals (unpaid) out of which two should be during Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(v) Three publications in refereed conferences during Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(vi) At least one PhD awarded and two PhD guiding
(vii) At least two sponsored projects/consultancies completed or ongoing.
(viii) Participation in at least one outreach program such as short term courses at the level of Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(ix) Cumulative Essential Credit Points -50
Assistant Professor07(i)PhD in an appropriate Discipline
(ii)First Class in both the UG and PG degrees or a CGPA of 6.5 and above in both UG and PG degrees.
(iii) Six years of experience at the level of Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(iv) Six publications in SCI/SCIE/SCOPUS indexed journals (unpaid) out of which two should be during Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(v) Three publications in refereed conferences during Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(vi) At least one PhD awarded and two PhD guiding
(vii) At least two sponsored projects/consultancies completed or ongoing.
(viii) Participation in at least one outreach program such as short term courses at the level of Assistant Professor Grade-l.
(ix) Cumulative Essential Credit Points -50
x) PhD in an appropriate discipline
xi) First Class in both the UG and PG degrees or a CGPA of 6.5 and above in both UG and PG degrees

How To Apply:-

1.The eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online at the Institute website www.illtu.ac.in. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily rejected. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application id.
2.Candidates are directed to note down and remember this unique application id which will be used to identify a candidate for Written Test and Interview. No correspondences/enquiry for lost application id will be entertained.
3.On submission of online applications, the pof of the complete application will be generated. The generated application has to be downloaded and after signing on each page, this signed downloaded filled in application alongwith the Annexures A to M has to be sent to the following address:

The Registrar IlIT Una Saloh, Una – 177209 Himachal Pradesh State

The last date for receipt of hardcopy of generated application is 30, Dec.’23; 17:00 hrs. The Envelope has to be superscribed with the following:
a) Advt. Number
b) School applied for
c) Application Id. .. .

4. Applications which are not submitted online and without relevant supporting documents shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard for submission of missing documents, if any, at a later point of time.
5. Last date for submission of online application is 24, Dec. ’23; 17:00 hrs. All educational and other qualifications/experiences will be considered as on the last date of the online submission of application form, i.e., 24, Dec.’23.

Important Link:-

IIIT Una Teaching Staff Notification 2023CLICK HERE
IIIT Una Teaching Staff Apply Online 2023CLICK HERE

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