IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts Recruitment 2022



IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts  Recruitment 2022

   || IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts   Recruitment 2022(Official Notification & Apply Online)|| IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts Jobs Notification & Apply Online 2022||IIM Sirmaur Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022||

IIM Sirmaur is one of the newer institutions of the Indian Institute of Management family in the country. Taking forward the legacy of the IIM brand, IIM Sirmaur is committed to delivering quality education, indigenous knowledge, and practices in an enabling environment. The Institute strives for the seamless integration of management education with local and global aspirations with the understanding that management education is not just about seeking the most competitive employment opportunities but rather about learning to serve socio-economic concerns through ethical and visionary corporate leadership. Established in 2015, the Mission of the Institute is to develop and foster professionals with competencies in creating and leading future-oriented solutions for sustainable growth adhering to the highest standards of ethical and human aspects of work. Our vision is to be a “Globally Respected Institution for Management Excellence.” Applications are invited for the following Positions: Online Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the following Regular Non-Teaching Positions.

IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts  Jobs 2022


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                        IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts  JOBS 2O22

  • Opening of Online Registration :- December 14, 2022 
  • Closing of On-line Registration :- January 03, 2023
  • The last date for submission of online applications for various Non-Teaching positions at IIM Sirmaur vide Recruitment Notification No.: 06/2022 has been extended up to 11:59 PM on January 10, 2023 (Tuesday).”

                          IIM Sirmaur JOA,JE,Driver & Other Posts Vacancy Details 2022

1.Finance Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO)
No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-A Pass in the Final examination of CA/ ICWA/CMA. Or Master’s Degree in Commerce/ MBA (Finance) /PGDM (Finance) – Two years course from a recognized University/Institute with First Class.

2.Administrative Officer
No. Of Posts:- 05 Posts (UR-03, OBC-01, SC-01)
Qualification:-(a) Masters Degree (First class) from a recognized University/Institute. Candidates with MBA (First class)/ equivalent Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma in Management will be preferred. (b) Masters Degree in Psychology (First Class) from a recognized University/Institute. Candidates with Ph.D. preferable – for the position related to student activities and counselling

3.Assistant Administrative Officer
No. Of Posts:- 04 Posts(UR-03, OBC-01)
Qualification:-Masters Degree with 55% and above from a recognized University/Institute. Candidates with MBA (First class)/ equivalent Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma in Management will be preferred.

4.Senior Personal Assistant
No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-Graduate Degree (second class) from a recognized University/Institute..  Diploma / certificate or equivalent in short hand (minimum 06 months of course duration) from recognized Institute.

No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-A pass in CA/ICWA/ CMA Final or Intermediate examinations. Or  Master’s Degree in Commerce with First Class from any recognized University/Institution

6.Junior Engineer (Electrical)
No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute with at least 55% marks.

7.Junior Office Assistant
No. Of Posts:- 02 Posts (UR-01, OBC-01)
Qualification:-Master’s Degree in any discipline with 50% marks from any recognized University/Institution.

8.Junior Accountant
No. Of Posts:- 02 Posts(UR-01, SC-01))
Qualification:-Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in Commerce with 50% marks from any recognized University/Institution. Candidates persuing ICMA or who have passed the intermediate examination of ICMA / CA would be preferred.

9.Junior Assistant Grade II
No. Of Posts:- 04 Posts(UR-03, OBC-01)
Qualification:-Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in any discipline with 50% marks from any recognized University/Institution.

Junior Library Assistant Grade II
No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-BLISc.or equivalent with 55% marks from any recognized University/Institution

No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts(UR)
Qualification:-Applicant must have passed 10th Std. from a recognized board.  Must possess a Valid Light Motor Vehicle driving license issued by the Competent authority as per the latest Government of India Norms / Motor Vehicles Act as applicable.

General Conditions:-

1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.

 2. The appointment is in the Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur (IIMS), which is an Institute of National importance under the Ministry of Education, Government of India.

3. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of the online application. They are advised to ensure their eligibility for making an application to the post. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.

4. Persons already working in Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organization etc. shall produce a ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ at the time of test /interview, as applicable.

5. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum. Mere fulfilling of the minimum advertised qualification and experience requirements does not automatically entitle an applicant to be called for an interview/test. The age relaxation for the reserved categories i.e. SC/ST/NC-OBC/PWD shall be as per the Govt. of India norms.

6. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one position are required to apply separately for each post along with the fee as applicable.

 7. Candidaes belonging to reserved categories who wish to apply also under Un-reserved (UR) Category for the same position may apply separately.

8. Institute reserves the right to devise its shortlisting criteria for the positions advertised. The duly constituted Screening Committee will shortlist the candidates adopting such criteria. The candidate should, therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experience in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents and ensure that all details are in full and accurate.

 9. The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part-time basis, daily wages, etc. will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for shortlisting the candidates for the interview/ written test.

 10. The decision of the Competent Authority at IIM Sirmaur in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of any/all applications, fixing the eligibility criteria, the equivalence of  qualifications, mode of screening/selection, the conduct of interview, will be final and binding on the candidates.

11. The competent Authority at IIM Sirmaur reserves the right to relax any of the criteria in case of candidates who are found exceptionally otherwise suitable.

12. No interim correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Institute.

13. Institute reserves the right to seek any other certificate, including vigilance from the candidates already in service at any time during the process.

14. The Institute solely reserves the right not to fill all or any of the advertised positions/ number of posts in all positions without assigning any reason.

15. The above position requires full 24×7 commitment to the Institute. Therefore, candidates willing to dedicate themselves fully to the Institute are expected to apply.

16. Appointment orders issued by the Institute shall be provisional. The Institute may verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate. In case it is found at any time that any of the facts/documents submitted by the candidate are falsified or tampered or the candidate has doubtful antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her candidature shall stand canceled and services may be terminated without any notice period.

17. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of the appointment order, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates.

18. Addendum/deletion/corrigendum (if any) shall be posted on the Institute website only.

19. Applications not in prescribed format and/or not accompanied by required information/documents are liable to be summarily rejected.

20. Canvassing of any nature and/or bringing any influence/pressure from any quarter will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

 21. The Institute shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/documents submitted by the candidates. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or inclusion, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate and the candidate alone would be responsible for consequences if any.

22. Application submitted for a particular post is not transferable to any other post.

23. Applications will be scrutinized by a Scrutiny Committee and a list of eligible/ ineligible candidates will be prepared on the basis of stipulated guidelines/criteria as decided by the Institute.

24. Mere possession of eligibility conditions shall not entitle a candidate to be called for test/interview. The Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for test/ interview on the basis of higher norms than the minimum prescribed qualification and experience or adopt measures to shortlist applications such as holding written test.

 25. The dates and mode of test/interviews will be communicated through email only to the shortlisted candidates. The mode of the interview may be either a personal interview in a venue fixed by the Institute or via online mode which will be at the discretion of the Institute.

26. Candidates who are provisionally shortlisted may be required to interact with the Chief Administartive Officer in connection with the documents and available time required for joining the Institute.

27. Candidates not found suitable for the post applied, may be considered for a lower position i.e. on contract or on regular basis.

 28. Pay protection/ advance increments may be considered as per GoI norms.

29. The applicants who have applied for the positions of FA & CAO and Administrative officer in response to the earlier Recruitment Advertisement no. 02/2021 may apply afresh.

30. The selected candidate may be posted in any of the sections / area of functioning as per Instiute requirements.

 31. The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of positions advertised.

32. No TA/DA will be paid for attending test/interview.

33. Legal disputes, if any, will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Distt. Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh only.

34. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

35. The Institute also reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of applications, results, etc.

36. All correspondence from the Institute, including an interview call letter, shall be sent to the email ID provided by the candidate.

37. Any matter for which no specific instruction has been given shall be decided by the Institute, and the decision shall be final and binding on the applicants.

38. The aforesaid terms & conditions shall be supplementary and in addition to the terms of appointment order/ contract, which shall be issued to the selected candidate if any. 

 39. For clarification of any Technical issues faced by the candidates during submission of online application form, the applicants may contact at (landline) : 01704-277300 on all working days from Monday to Friday between 1100 AM to 0500 PM.

How to Apply;-

 Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement.  Candidates are advised not to respond to unscrupulous advertisements appearing in any newspaper/websites/mobile apps etc. For authenticity of any information, candidates may visit detailed advertisement available on IIM Sirmaur website only.

Please Read The Full Notification Before Applying The Post
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