IIT Mandi AE (Electrical) Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates 2022



 IIT Mandi AE (Electrical) Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates List 2022

||IIT Mandi Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates 2022||IIT Mandi AE (Electrical) Roll no. List 2022||

IIT Mandi AE (Electrical) Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates  2022

The list of shortlisted, provisionally shortlisted and not shortlisted candidates is uploaded asList-A, List-B and List-C respectively. For any discrepancy/query, the candidate may write tostaffrecruit@iitmandi.ac.in from their registered e-mail ID only subject to the following conditions: 

1. Only candidates, who have applied for the respective post and have been foundineligible, may file objection, if any, with regard to eligibility. 

2. The candidate must ensure that objections shall be raised by e-mail only and all theemails should address to staffrecruit@iitmandi.ac.in. Objections by way of hard copy, byhand or by post will not be entertained. 

3. Kindly ensure that objection(s) if any are to be raised in precise manner with respect tothe said advertisement only. 

4. The scope of objection should be limited to one’s own application only. Cross reference with regard to other applications shall be out-rightly rejected. 

5. Decision of the committee of the Institute duly constituted for settling the issues of objection shall be treated as final.

 6. Filing of objections shall be permissible till 05.00 pm on 09.05.2022. No request will be entertained in this regard there after. 

7. The procedure for inviting queries is being done in the interest of candidates for ensuring transparency and fairness in the recruitment process.

 8. The provisionally shortlisted candidates (List-B) are required to submit relevant documents to staffrecruit@iitmandi.ac.in on or before 17.05.2022 (05:00 PM). In case of non-submission of the required documents on or before due date, the application will be rejected and the query/request will not entertained thereafter.

Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates List

IIT Mandi AE (Electrical) Shortlisted Candidates & Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates  2022

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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