IIT Mandi Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment 2022


 IIT Mandi Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment 2022

||IIT Mandi Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment 2022||IIT Mandi Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Jobs Notification 2022||

Online applications are invited the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Project Associate-I in a DST SERB funded research project on “Exploration of emerging phenomena in topological quantum materials using magneto-transport and thermoelectric studies”.

 Minimum Qualifications: M.Sc. (Physics) with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. Candidates with NET/GATE qualification and/or experience in working in experimental condensed matter physics laboratory will be given preference for interview call. 

Fellowship: upto Rs. 31,000/- per month (subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria) 

Duration: The appointment will be initially made for a period of one year, but the tenure is extendable up to 3 years. The selected candidate has to join immediately. The position may be converted to a full time Ph.D. position, subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria and satisfactory performance. 

Age Limit: Maximum 28 years as on the date of advertisement. (SC/ST/OBC and physically handicapped candidates will be entitled for the relaxation in age limit as per the government norms.) 

How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply by sending their updated resume in .doc or .pdf format with the file name “SERB_first name_last name” via email to [email protected]. The resume should contain personal details, academic qualifications and any other relevant information which might be helpful in strengthening the candidature. The candidate should clearly mention the details about NET/GATE qualification (year, rank etc.) and work experience, if they have, in the resume. The subject line of the email should be ‘Application for the post of project associate’. 

Important Dates:

 1. Last date of resume submission: 31st March 2022 

2. Merely fulfilling the eligibility requirement does not guarantee shortlisting for interview; higher criteria may be applied for shortlisting. The shortlisted candidates will only be informed about the date and time of the online interview. (Applicants should have all documents in original to support their resume and the same will be verified at the time of joining, if the candidate is selected). Note: Project investigator will not be responsible for any miss-communication/connectivity issue during onlineinterview session. Schedule of such session once decided will not be changed. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure all that he/she is well connected and present during allotted slot. The online interview committee will call the student during their allotted slot. For any further information, contact Dr. C.S. Yadav Associate Professor, School of Basic Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Kamand, Mandi – 175075, Himachal Pradesh, India 

Email: [email protected] 

Web: https://iitmandi.ac.in/CMP/files/CSY%20webpage/CSY_homepage.php 

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=tYdcF-UAAAAJ&hl=en


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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