IIT Mandi Senior Project Scientist Recruitment 2022


IIT Mandi Senior Project Scientist Recruitment 2022

||IIT Mandi Senior Project Scientist Recruitment 2022||IIT Mandi Senior Project Scientist Jobs Notification & Online Application Form 2022||

Online applications are invited for the position of Senior Project Scientist (SPS)/Research Associate (RS) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Mandi, MANDI-175075 (H.P.), India.

Salary: 35,000 – 1,00,000/- (INR) per month consolidated. (As per qualification & experience) 

1. Essential Qualification: Ph.D in (VLSI/EC/EE/Instrumentation) or any other equivalent desirable discipline. or M.Tech in (EC/EE/Instrumentation) with at least 5 years of experience or equivalent. 

2. Desired Knowledge: in-depth understanding on following subjects: 

  •  Expertise in analog Design with specialization in CMOS in Cadence & Mentor Graphics environment (ADC design & interfacing with digital circuits modules: SAR, Sigma-Delta & Zoom architecture ect.) 
  •  Digital Circuits: Mentor Graphics (Schematics Circuit design) 
  •  Expertise in running PVT corner, Montecarlo simulation etc. 
  •  Perform full chip level integration, mixed-signal verifications system level qualifications Must have experience of using Linux operating system, Hand-on experience on Matlab and VLSI IC design tools & Strong Analytical, Problem Solving and Conceptual Skills. 

Age Limit: The upper age limit is 50 years & may be relaxed for deserving applicant. Nature of post appoint: purely temporary & may also be consider as an ad hoc basis as per requirement 

Last date to apply: July 15, 2022, deserving applicant may be called before, if required for interaction/interview Merely fulfilling the eligibility requirement does not guarantee shortlisting for interview; higher criteria may be applied for shortlisting. The shortlisted candidates will only be informed about the date and time of the online interview. (Applicants should have all documents in original to support their resume and the same will be verified at the time of joining, if the candidate is selected). * The nature of the post is purely temporary (on a contract basis) initially for One year and may be extended as per requirements and the competency of the applicant.

 How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates should submit the following documents through email at [email protected]; may be call on: 7018590918 (if required)

 1. A copy of CV 

2. Original to be shown at the time of online/offline interview/interaction

 For any further information please contact on following email: 

1) Dr. Hitesh Shrimali – [email protected] 

2) Dr. Rahul Shrestha – [email protected]

 3) Prof. Satinder Kumar Sharma – [email protected] 

Terms and Conditions

  •  No TA/DA shall be paid to candidates for attending the online Interview. 
  •  The PI & Co-PI reserve the right to conduct or not conduct interview for the post. The Screening Committee may fix higher criteria for shortlisting the candidates and date of online interview will be informed to the shortlised candidate only. 
  •  PI & Co-PIs reserve the right to fill up the post, not to fill up the post or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason. The PI & Co-PIs will also reserve the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates as per requirement of the nature of project job to be called for interview without any further clarifications/justifications at any level. The decision of the project PIs in this regard will be final.

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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