Important C language Question Answer For HPSSC JOA IT Exam Set-1


 Important C language Question Answer For HPSSC JOA IT Exam Set-1

|| Important C language Question Answer For HPSSC JOA IT Exam Set-1|| Important C language Question Answer For HPSSSB JOA IT Exam Set-1||

👉HPSSC Hamirpur JOA (IT) Post Code-939 Test Series 2022(Start-14 Feb 2022)

1. Who is father of C Language?

A. James A. Gosling​​

B. Dennis Ritchie

 C. Dr. E.F. Codd​​​

D.Bjarne Stroustrup


2. C Language developed at ___?

A. AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1970

B. Sun Microsystems in 1973

C. AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972

D. Cambridge University in 1972


3. For 16-bit compiler allowable range for integer constants is ___?

A.-3.4e38 to 3.4e37​​ ​ ​​

B.-32757 to 32768

C.-32668 to 32667​​   ​​

D.-32768 to 32767



4. In which the C programs are converted into machine language with the help of ____?

A. A compiler

​​​B.  An Editor

C.  An operating system​​

D.  None of these.



5. C was primarily developed as

A. Data processing language

 ​​B.  General purpose language

C.  System programming language

D.  None of the above​​


6. Standard ANSI C recognizes __ number of keywords?

 A. 30

​​​B. 32

C. 24​​​​​​​​ 

D. 36​



7. What will be printed after execution of the following program code?

main ()







A.  absiha​

​​​​​​​B. asiha

C. haasi ​​​​​​​​​

D. hai


8. Which is the only function all C programs must contain?

 A .start()​​​​​​​​​

B. system()

C. main()​​​​​​​​​

D. printf()


9. An array elements are always stored in ____ memory locations.

A. Sequential​​​

B. Random

C.  Sequential and Random

​​D.  None of the above


10. Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name?

A. * (asterisk) ​​​

B. | (pipeline)

C. – (hyphen)​​​

D. _ (underscore)

👉HPSSC Hamirpur JOA (IT) Post Code-939 Test Series 2022(Start-14 Feb 2022)

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