Important Computer MCQ Question Answer In English Set-3



Important Computer MCQ Question Answer In English Set-3

 ||Important Computer MCQ Question Answer In English Set-3||Important Computer Question Answer In English Set-3||

21. Automatic execution of high-priority computer programs that have been designed to preempt the use of computer resources is referred as

(A) Foreground processing

(B) background processing

(C) black processing

(D) white processing

22. Digitizer is an input device

(A) Used to convert graphic and pictorial data into binary inputs for a digital computer

(B) Used to convert graphic and pictorial data into analog inputs for a digital computer.

(C) Used for debugging

(D) None of these

23. A storage devices where the access time is effectively independent of the location of the data is referred as 

(A) Direct access

 (B) Secondary storage

 (C) Primary storage 

(D) None of these 

24. A pictorial representation that uses pre- defined symbols to describe either the logic of a computer program or the data flow and processing steps of a system is referred as 

(A) Flowchart

 (B) Algorithm 

(C) Program 

(D) None of these

 25. A flat, circular plate coated with a magnetic material on which data can be stored by magnetization of portions of the flat surface is 

(A) Disk 

 (B) Tape

(C) Pen drive

 (D) None of these 

26. Disk operating system is referred for 


 (B) Operating system which contains the disk-oriented commands and uses disk devices for permanent storage 

(C) Both A & B

 (D) None of these 

27. Document reader is 

(A) An optical input device used to read documents

 (B) A device that arrange the documents 

(C) A device that is used to edit document 

(D) None of these 

28. One or more identifying lines printed at the bottom of a page are referred as

 (A) Header 

(B) Footer 

(C) Index 

(D) None of these 

29. FORTRAN is 

(A) Formula Translation 

(B) A high-level mathematically oriented programming language 

(C) Both A & B

 (D) None of these 

30. A CPU designed specifically to handle the communications processing task with main purpose is to off-load communications processing task from the host computer so that the host computer can be dedicated for applications and data processing jobs. 

(A) Backend processor 

(B) Front-end processor

 (C) Node processor

 (D) None of these

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