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ToggleImportant Notice For Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Posts:- HPPWD
The selection process for recruitment of 10 Nos. of Junior Draughtsman (Civil) on contract basis through Batchwise in HPPWD has been fixed for 15-10-2024 in Nirman Bhawan, HPPWD, Nigham Vihar, Shimla-2.. The call letter through registered post has already been issued separately to individual candidates. The candidates will have to produce following documents (if any) during the selection process:-
(i) 10th and ITI certificate,
(ii) Backward Area or Panchayat, as the case may be
(iii) Land less family/family having land less than 1 Hectare to be certified by the concerned Revenue Authority,
(iv) Non-employment Certificate to the effect that none of the family members is in Government/ Semi-Government service.,
(v) Differently abled persons with more than 40% impairment/disability/infirmity,
(vi) NSS (atleast one year)/certificate holders in NCC/ The Bharat Scout and Guide/Medal winner in National Level sports competitions,
(vii) BPL family having annual income (from all sources) below Rs.40,000/-or as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time
(viii) Widow/divorced/destitute/single woman.,
(ix) Single daughter/Orphan,
(x) Training of atleast 6 months duration related to the post applied for from a recognized University/Institution.
(xi) Experience upto a maximum of 5 years in Govt./Semi-Govt. Organization relating to the post
.For any enquiry the office Telephone Numbers are as 0177-2621401,

हेलो दोस्तों ,आपका हमारी वेबसाइट पर स्वागत है। जैसा की आपको पता है हमारी वेबसाइट आपको समय-समय पर सभी HP Govt Jobs & All India Govt Jobs की Notifications प्रदान करवाती है। साथ ही साथ Himachal Pradesh Exam Previous Paper और Himachal Pradesh GK ,Himachal Pradesh & National +International Current Affairs के सभी नोट्स मुफ्त उपलब्ध करवाते है। हमारी वेबसाइट के अलग अलग प्लेटफार्म पर pages & Group बने है जैसे की facebook ,Telegram और Instagram .. अगर आप हिमाचल के किसी भी पेपर की तैयारी कर रहे हो तो जल्दी से इन groups के साथ जुड़ जाएं इनके लिंक नीचे table में दिए गए है।
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