Important Notice For The Post of Clerk:- CSKHPKV Palampur-The CSK HPKV, Palampur has advertised 10 posts of Clerks for filling up through limited Direct Recruitment (LDR) mode only from amongst the eligible regular Category- ‘D’ employees who have rendered FIVE YEARS SERVICE in this University under Advt. No. 02/2023 vide letter of even reference No. 52236-335 dated 22.09.2023.
It has been noticed that applications have been/are being received for the aforementioned posts from the candidates who are not Category-‘D’ regular employees of the University and are thus not eligible for the same. Therefore, it is hereby clarified and brought to the notice of all concerned that APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE ABOVE POSTS FROM CANDIDATES WHO ARE NOT REGULAR CATEGORY-‘D’ EMPLOYEES OF THIS UNVERSITY SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED AND SHALL STAND REJECTED OUTRIGHTLY WITHOUT ANY FURTHER INFORMATION TO THEM

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