Important Notice for the post of Hostel Supdt.-CumPTI (Post Code-911)-HPSSC Hamirpur
||Important Notice for the post of Hostel Supdt.-CumPTI (Post Code-911)-HPSSC Hamirpur||Important Notice for the post of Hostel Supdt.-CumPTI (Post Code-911)-HPSSSB Hamirpur||
The following candidate who has applied for the post of Hostel Supdt.-Cum-PTI on contract basis (Post Code-911) advertised vide advertisement No-37-1/2021 dated 08-04-2021 isrequired to submit his bonafide Himachali certificate or certificate of passing Matric and Plus Two from any School/ Institutions situated within Himachal Pradesh in terms of advertisement through e-mail ( to the H.P. Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur within 03 days from the publication of this notice, failing which his candidature shall stand cancelled:
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