Important Question Answer For HPSSC Electrician Exam Set-5


Important Question Answer For HPSSC Electrician Exam Set-5

 ||Important Subject Related  Question Answer For HPSSC Electrician Exam Set-5||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Hamirpur Electrician Exam Set-5||

1. In DC machine of number of commutator segments is equal to

 (A) no. of poles

 (B) no. of conductors

 (C) no. of armature coils

 (D) two times of no. of poles

2. Working principle of DC generator based on

 (A) Fleming’s Left Hand Rule

 (B) Fleming’s Right Hand Rule

 (C) Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction

 (D) Lenz’s law

3. In DC generators lap winding is used for

 (A) low voltage, low current

 (B) high voltage, low current

 (C) high voltage, high current

 (D) low voltage, high current

4. As per BIS of the minimum value of insulation resistance required for low and medium voltage rated machines

 (A) 0.1 mega ohm

 (B) 10 mega ohm

 (C) 1 mega ohm

 (D) 0.5 mega ohm

5. Which type generator used for ARC welding ?

 (A) Over compound

 (B) Under compound

 (C) Differential compound

 (D) Level compound

6. What happened if the field flux of a DC motor reduced to half ?

 (A) Speed remains same

 (B) Speed decreased

 (C) Speed decreased two times

 (D) Speed increased to two times

7. Which starter used for control the speed of DC motor above rated speed

 (A) Four point starter

 (B) Three point starter

 (C) Either (A) or (B)

 (D) Two point starter

8. The direction of rotation of DC series motor can be changed by

 (A) Interchanging supply terminals

 (B) Interchanging field terminals

 (C) Either (A) or (B) of above

 (D) None of the above

9. In over compound generator full load terminal voltage is

 (A) equal to no load terminal voltage.

 (B) more than no load terminal voltage.

 (C) less than.

 (D) almost Zero.

10. The yoke of a DC generator is usually made of

 (A) Cast Iron

 (B) Stainless Steel

 (C) Copper

 (D) Silicon steel

||Important Subject Related  Question Answer For HPSSC Electrician Exam Set-5||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Hamirpur Electrician Exam Set-5||

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