Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1


Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1

||Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1||

 1. What is the trimmed size of A3 drawing sheet ?

 (A) 594 × 841 mm (B) 420 × 594 mm  (C) 297 × 420 mm (D) None of these

2. What is the standard size of title block ?

 (A) 150 × 50 mm (B) 165 × 55 mm (C) 185 × 65 mm (D) None of these

3. Which graphical device is used to convert one unit to another unit ?

 (A) Plain scale (B) Vernier scale  (C) Diagonal scale (D) Comparative scale

4. When the drawing is drawn of the same size as that of the object, the scale used is

 (A) Diagonal scale (B) Vernier scale  (C) Enlarged scale (D) None of these

5. The width of landing should be ______ the width of stair.

 (A) equal to (B) less than (C) greater than (D) None of these

6. The overall effect produced by elevation & general layout of the plan is known as

 (A) Economy (B) Elegance (C) Flexibility (D) All of these

7. Access on internal through fares between rooms of the same floor or between floors is known as

 (A) Prospect (B) Circulation (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) None of these

8. The area, forming an integral part of the plot, left open to the sky is known as

 (A) Plot (B) Open space (C) Basement (D) Porch

9. The horizontal projection to serve as passage on sitting out place including a hand rail is known as

 (A) Corridor (B) Porch (C) Storey (D) Balcony

10. Diameter of longitudinal bars should not be less than

 (A) 50 mm (B) 45 mm (C) 30 mm (D) 12 mm

||Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-1||

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