Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT Set-10


Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT  Set-10

||Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT  Set-10||Important Question Answer Series For HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA IT  Set-10||HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA IT  Important Question Answer||  

1. The following device allows the user to add external components to a computer system 

(A) Storage devices 
(B) Keyboards 
(C) Ports/ system boards
 (D) Diskettes

 2. Software that manages data in more than one file at a time and these files are treated as tables with rows and columns rather than as lists of records is

 (A) Relational Data Base Management Package
 (B) Data Base Management Package 
(C) Documentation Package
 (D) None of these 

3. A program that remains in the memory while other programs are executing 

(A) Resident Program
 (B) Non-Resident Program 
(C) Permanent Program 
(D) None of these 

4. The total time elapsed between submission of command and data to a computer and getting the result of computation is the 

(A) Access time
 (B) Response time 
(C) Entrance time 
(D) None of these 

5. An automatic machine that is made to perform routine human tasks is 

(A) Computer 
(B) Robot 
(C) Tanker 
(D) None of these 

6. The time required to complete a single, continuous execution of an object program is called 

(A) Run time 
(B) Access time 
(C) Random time 
(D) Response time 

7. Computer network is a 

(A) A distributed data processing system
 (B) Multiple computers are linked together for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing 
(C) Both A & B are false 
(D) Both A & B are true 

8. A process of collecting, organizing, storing and otherwise maintaining a complete historical record of programs and other documents used or prepared during the different phases of the system is called 

(A) Documentation 
(B) Document reader 
(C) Data process 
(D) None of these 

9. What are connector symbol? 

(A) They are used in a flowchart 
(B) It represents a junction in a flow line 
(C) Often used to transfer flow between different pages of a lengthy chart 
(D) All the above 

10. Console is 

(A) A device that enables human operators to communicate with the computer 
(B) A device that enables human operators not to communicate with the computer 
(C) Communication between computers 
(D) None of these 

11. Constant is a value written into a program instruction

 (A) that does not change during the execution of the program 
(B) that can change during the execution of the program 
(C) that can vary during the execution of the program 
(D) none of these 

12. A removable direct-access storage medium containing multiple magnetic disks mounted vertically on a single-shaft is referred as 

(A) Tape pack 
(B) Disk pack 
(C) Cylinder 
(D) None of these

 13. Diskette is a 

(A) A low-cost, thin flexible magnetic disk storage device 
(B) High volume storage device 
(C) Primary storage device 
(D) None of these

14. An optical input device that is used to read documents printed in a special type font is known as 

(A) Document reader 
(B) Documentation 
(C) Printer 
(D) None of these

 15. For checking spelling one uses 

(A) Dictionary Disk 
(B) Index disk 
(C) Directory 
(D) None of these

 16. Process of finding/ correcting program errors is 

(A) Bugs 
(B) Debugging 
(C) Hacking
 (D) Cracking 

17. Diagnostic routines is a

 (A) Programs used to print error messages 
(B) Indicates system problems and improper program instructions. 
(C) Both A & B are true 
(D) None of these 

18. The term DBMS is referred to 

(A) Data Base Management system 
(B) The software used for the management, maintenance and retrieval of the data stored in a data base (C) Both A & B are true 
(D) None of these 

19. The speed at which data is transferred from the main memory to another medium on which data are recorded is referred as 

(A) Data transfer rate 
(B) Byte 
(C) Buds 
(D) None of these 

20. The time period during which a computer is malfunctioning or not operating correctly due to machine failures is referred as 

(A) Downtime 
(B) Uptime 
(C) Runtime 
(D) None of these


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