Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT Set-8


Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT  Set-8

Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT  Set-8||Important Question Answer Series For HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA IT  Set-8
||HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA IT  Important Question Answer||

Important Question Answer Series For HPSSC JOA IT  Set-8

 Q.1 Which is the default alignment in word? 

(A) Left 

(B) Right 

(C) Centre 

(D) Justify 

Q.2-Following is used for creating presentations.

 (A) MS Word 

(B) MS Access

(C) MS Excel 

(D) Power Point 

Q.3-File extension of word document is

(A) .xls 

(B) .doc 

(C) .word 

(D) .jpeg 

Q.4-The shortcut command of ‘save’ in word:

(A) Ctrl + A 

(B) Ctrl + C 

(C) Ctrl + V 

(D) Ctrl + S 

Q.5-Word processing package allow users to: 

(A) Edit text 

(B) Save text 

(C) Print text 

(D) All of the above 

Q.6-Following font size is not supported by word: 

(A) 15

(B) 72.5 

(C) 102.89 

(D) 532 

Q.7-What is gutter margin? 

(A) Margin added to the left margin when printing 

(B) Margin added to right margin when printing 

(C) Margin added to the binding side of page when printing 

(D) Margin added to the outside of the page when printing 

Q.8-Values of normal margin (in inches) in ms-word is

 (A) left-0.5, right-0.5, top-0.5, bottom-0.5

 (B) left-0.75, right-0.75, top-0.5, bottom-0.5 

(C) left-1, right-1, top-1, bottom-1 

(D) left-1.5, right-1.5, top-1, bottom-1 

Q.9-For creating a hanging Indent, the short cut key is: 

(A) Ctrl + I 

(B) Ctrl + T 

(C) Ctrl + H 

(D) Ctrl + G 

Q.10-By default, tab stops move ______ space. 

(A) 0.01”

 (B) 0.05” 

(C) 0.10” 

(D) 0.50” 

Q.11-In drop cap option maximum lines can be set up is: 

(A) 03 

(B) 05 

(C) 08 

(D) 10 

Q.12-Which tool can be opted for a synonym word in a document? 

(A) Auto text 

(B) Replace 

(C) Thesaurus 

(D) Restore 

Q.13-Which is the function button for spelling and grammar? 

(A) F3 

(B) F5 

(C) F7

(D) F8


Q.14-Ctrl + Y is the short cut key for: 

(A) Undo the last action 

(B) Paste the selected text 

(C) Cut the selected text

(D) Redo the last action

 Q.15-To give a slanted appearance to text in a document, which character formatting effect is applied? 

(A) Bold

(B) Subscript 

(C) Superscript 

(D) Italic 


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