Indian Army GD Exam Practice Paper Set-2


Indian Army GD Exam Practice Paper  Set-2

 ||Indian Army General Duty Exam Practice Paper  Set-2||Indian Army GD Exam Model Test  Paper Set-2||

1. भारत का संविधान कब लागू हुआ था?

(a) 21 जनवरी, 1950

 (b) 23 जनवरी, 1950

(c) 26 जनवरी, 1950 

(d) 30 जनवरी, 1950

2. सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता का पत्तन नगर कौन-सा था?

(a) हड़प्पा

(b) रोपड़

(c) लोथल

(d) बनवाली

3. क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से विश्व का सबसे छोटा देश कौन-सा है?

(a) पेरू

(b) वेटिकन सिटी

(c) मालदीव

(d) यूक्रेन

4. रेमन मैग्सेसे पुरस्कार जीतने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन थे?

(a) टीएन शेषन

(b) विनोबा भावे

(c) इन्दिरा गाँधी

(d) एस. राधाकृष्णन

5. संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की स्थापना कब हुई थी?

(a) 1 अगस्त, 1942

(b) 20 अक्टूबर, 1944

(c) 24 अक्टूबर, 1945 

(d) 1 दिसम्बर, 1946

6. अवरक्त किरणें (Infrared Rays) क्या हैं?

(a) अनुदैर्ध्य तरंगें

(b) अनुप्रस्थ तरंगें

(c) यान्त्रिक तरंगें

(d) विद्युत चुम्बकीय तरंगें

7. डायनेमो परिवर्तित करता है

(a) यान्त्रिक ऊर्जा को विद्युत ऊर्जा में

(b) विद्युत ऊर्जा को यान्त्रिक ऊर्जा में

(c) विद्युत ऊर्जा को प्रकाशीय ऊर्जा में

(d) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

8. मानव शरीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रन्थि है

(a) हृदय

(b) यकृत

(c) अग्न्याशय

(d) अधिवृक्क

9. गोबर गैस में मुख्य रूप से पाई जाती है

(a) क्लोरीन

(b) एथिलीन

(c) मीथेन

(d) हाइड्रोजन

10. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा संसार का सबसे बड़ा जन्तु-संघ है?

(a) आथोंपोडा

(b) मोलस्का

(c) एम्फीबिया

(d) एनीलिडा

11. कम्प्यूटर में सेण्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट (CPU) के अन्तर्गत आते हैं

(a) प्राइमरी मैमोरी

(b) कण्ट्रोल यूनिट

(c) अर्थमैटिक और लॉजिकल यूनिट

(d) उपरोक्त सभी

12. ………. एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डिवाइस है, जो डाटा को इन्फॉर्मेशन में कनवर्ट करते हुए प्रोसेस करता है।

(a) प्रोसेसर

(b) कम्प्यूटर

(c) केस

(d) स्टाइल्स

13. माउस का कौन-सा बटन सामान्यतया OK के लिए प्रयोग में लाया जाता है?

(a) व्हील

(b) दायाँ

(c) बायाँ

(d) बीच वाला

14. सॉफ्टवेयर का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य डाटा को किसमें बदलना है?

(a) सूचना

(b) प्रोग्राम

(c) वेब साइट

(d) ऑब्जेक्ट

15. ………. एक प्रोग्राम है, जिससे कम्प्यूटर का उपयोग करना आसान हो जाता है।

(a) नेटवर्क

(b) ऐप्लिकेशन

(c) यूटिलिटी

(d) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम

16. छह अंकों वाली सबसे बड़ी पूर्ण वर्ग संख्या है

(a) 998001

(b) 999976

(c) 999856

(d) 997649

17. दो संख्याओं का म.स. 6 तथा ल.स. 108 है, यदि एक संख्या 12 है, तो दूसरी संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

(a) 27 (b) 54 (c) 48 (d) 36

18. कितने समय में ₹ 8,750 का साधारण ब्याज 8% की वार्षिक दर से मूलधन का 6/25 वाँ हो जाएगा?

(a) 3 वर्ष

(b) 4 वर्ष

(c)2 वर्ष

(d) 5 वर्ष

19. E तथा F मिलकर एक कार्य को 10 दिनों में कर सकते हैं। यदि E अकेला उसी कार्य को 30 दिनों में कर

सकता है, तो बताइए कि F अकेला उसी कार्य को कितने दिनों में कर सकता है?

(a) 15 दिन

(b)20 दिन

(c)25 दिन

(d) 18 दिन

20. यदि एक मोटर 9 सेकण्ड में 100 मी चलती है, तो इसकी चाल किमी/घण्टा में क्या होगी?

(a) 45 किमी/घण्टा

(b) 40 किमी/घण्टा

(c) 32 किमी/घण

(d) 36 किमी/घण्टा

21. यदि x=1/x=5  हो, तो x square +1/x square  का मान है


(b) 25



22. यदि 4x + 5y =14 तथा x – 5y = 16 हैं, तो x तथा y के मान होंगे

(a) 10 और -6/5

(b) 6 और 2

(c) 10 और  6/5

(d) 6 और -2

23. 55,53, 56, 59,61, 69 और 31 संख्याओं की माध्यिका ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 55

(b) 56


(d) 61

24. यदि किन्हीं दो वृत्तों की त्रिज्याओं का अनुपात 4 : 5 हो, तो उनके क्षेत्रफलों का अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 16:25

(b) 32:50

(c) 32:40

(d) 4:5

25. यदि एक बेलन की त्रिज्या π तथा ऊँचाई h है, तो बेलन का सम्पूर्ण पृष्ठीय क्षेत्रफल होगा

(a) πr square h

(b) 2πrh

(c) 2πr (h +r) 

(d) 2πr square h

 ||Indian Army General Duty Exam Practice Paper  Set-2||Indian Army GD Exam Model Test  Paper Set-2||

(Q. Nos. 26-28) Each sentence is divided into four parts. One part of the sentence contains an error, indicate the part which has an error.

 26. Many a man have come to India from Bangladesh to live here permanently.

 (a) Many a man 

(b) have come to India 

(c) from Bangladesh 

(d) to live here permanently 

27. One of the boys who always give the correct answer is Samuel.

 (a) One of the boys 

(b) who always 

(c) give the correct answer 

(d) is Samuel

 28. Headmaster has instructed the teachers to follow the rules of school. 

(a) Headmaster 

(b) has instructed 

(c) the teachers to follow 

(d) the rules of the school 

Directions (Q. Nos. 29-30) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 

29. We should go ……… doing more good than harm. 

(a) on 

(b) above 

(c) about 

(d) to 

30. When we got home last evening, we found that the guest ………….. 

(a) have arrived 

(b) has arriving 

(c) is arriving 

(d) had arrived 

Directions (Q. Nos. 31-32) Choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentences. 

31. Group of people living together in the same locality 

(a) Neighbourhood 

(b) Crowd 

(c) Community 

(d) Public 

32. The height of an object above sea level 

(a) Altitude 

(b) Certitude 

(c) Latitude 

(d) Longitude 

Directions (Q. Nos. 33-34) In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

 33. This incident calls for immediate intervention, but the authority seems to be dragging its feet.

 (a) Tardy or reluctant to act 

(b) Issuing a show-cause notice 

(c) Deliberating stern action 

(d) Contemplating a trial 

34. The players stormed-out of the stadium after a hot-headed game.

 (a) Went out breaking things on their way 

(b) Crept out through a different exit 

(c) Went out meekly 

(d) Went out showing their anger. 

Directions (Q. Nos. 35-36) Select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice. 

35. Did everybody miss the first bus? 

(a) The first bus was missed by everybody 

(b) Was the first bus missed by everybody? 

(c) Everybody missed the first bus. 

(d) Had the first bus been missed by everybody?

 36. We will not allow them to run away. 

(a) They will not be allowed to run away by us. 

(b) They would not be allowed to run away. 

(c) They are not allowed to run away. 

(d) They were not allowed to run away. 

Directions (Q. Nos. 37-38) Select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Direct/Indirect speech. 

37. John said, ‘‘I shall be 21 tomorrow’’. 

(a) John said that he would be 21 tomorrow. 

(b) John said that he would be 21 the following day. 

(c) John said that he should be 21 the following day. 

(d) John said that I shall be 21 tomorrow.

38. The convict said, ‘‘Let me speak freely please’’. 

(a) The convict suggested that he must be allowed to speak freely.

 (b) The convict requested that he must be allowed to speak freely. 

(c) The convict requested that he be allowed to speak freely. 

(d) The convict proposed that he might be allowed to speak freely. 

39. Change the following interrogative sentence into assertive sentence. Can anybody bear such an insult? 

(a) Nobody can bear such an insult. 

(b) who will bear such an insult. 

(c) Anyone can bear such an insult.

(d) There is no one who can bear such an insult. 

40. Transform the following complex sentence into simple sentence. After he had learned his lessons, he went out to play. 

(a) He went out to play, after he had learned his lessons. 

(b) Having learned his lessons, he went out to play. 

(c) He had learned his lessons, after that he went out to play. 

(d) After having learned his lessons, he went out to play. 

Directions (Q. Nos. 41-45) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. The supervisor would have to change his attitude towards people first. The staff under him must be perceived as human beings with feelings and needs. They are not automations within a complex work machinery’. One of the greatest needs of today’s worker is to have a feeling that he is in control of his work place and not vice-versa. The best way is to satisfy this need as far as possible. He must feel firstly, that his work is meaningful. To do this, the supervisor must delegate responsibility and limited authority for the man to execute his job well. The subordinate must be properly trained to assume responsibility and authority. Once he is ready to assume these he can be made accountable for his job. Very often supervisors assume all responsibility and accountability for fear of losing control of the workplace. This makes workers under him pawns in a vast chessboard. Delegating accountability gives the worker a purpose in life and the need to do a job well. Most important is to sit with each worker and chalk out common objectives and agreed norms to achieve them. This gives workers a security as to what is expected of them. When he has met his objectives, he certainly has a feeling of achievement. This feeling of achievement is the greatest motivator. 

41. A human attitude on the part of the supervisor towards his staff is necessary to

 (a) get them to work 

(b) keep them happy 

(c) have a congenial atmosphere at workplace 

(d) get the best out of them 

42. Responsibility and accountability make a worker 

(a) shirk his duties 

(b) do his job properly 

(c) tense and frightened 

(d) vulnerable before his supervisors 

43. Supervisors do not delegate responsibility and authority to their subordinates because 

(a) subordinates are not capable enough 

(b) they can’t trust their subordinates 

(c) they are apprehensive of losing their hold on the place of work 

(d) final responsibility is their’s 

44. Orientation of subordinates of common objectives and how to achieve them is 

(a) not very important 

(b) a must 

(c) not at all necessary 

(d) optional 

45. The greatest motivator is 

(a) a good supervisor

 (b) a good environment 

(c) a sense of security 

(d) fulfilment of purpose 

Directions (Q. Nos. 46-50) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Regular physical activity provides numerous health benefits from leaner bodies and lower blood pressure to improved mental health and cognitive functioning. As the school physical education programme promotes physical activity and can teach skills, as well as, form or change behaviour, it holds an important key to influencing health and well-being across the life span. To improve the fitness of students, we need to rethink the design and delivery of school-based physical education programme. Adults in the United States think that information about health was more important for students to learn than content in language, Arts, Mathematics, Science, History or any other subject. Despite this high ranking, most schools devote minimal curriculum time to teaching students how to lead healthy lives. Our first step might be to consider ways to increase curriculum time devoted to physical education. In addition, schools need to thoughtfully analyse the design and delivery of school physical education programme to ensure that they are engaging, developmentally appropriate, inclusive and instructionally powerful life skills. 

46. According to this passage, regular physical activity is needed to 

(a) control one’s blood pressure 

(b) lose one’s weight 

(c) improve one’s cognitive skills

(d) improve one’s physical as well as mental health 

47. In order to tone up the physical education programme. 

(a) it should be made compulsory at school 

(b) an assessment of the existing programme should be made 

(c) a committee should be set-up in every school 

(d) the programme should be re-oriented and implemented 

48. According to Americans, health education is more important than teaching 

(a) social sciences 

(b) liberal arts 

(c) any subject 

(d) natural sciences 

49. The author wants the re-oriented physical education programme to be 

(a) increased minimum curriculum time 

(b) very comprehensive 

(c) relevant to the modern society 

(d) thoughtful 

50. In order to improve the physical education programme, we should first of all

 (a) allot more time to the teaching and learning of physical activity 

(b) decide on the number of activities to be taught 

(c) employ qualified instructors 

(d) or decrease the teaching load of instructors 

Answer Key

1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (a) 11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 23 (b) 24 (a) 25 (c) 26 (b) 27 (c) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (d) 31 (a) 32 (a) 33 (a) 34 (d) 35 (b) 36 (a) 37 (b) 38 (b) 39 (a) 40 (b) 41 (d) 42 (b) 43 (c) 44 (b) 45 (b) 46 (d) 47 (d) 48 (c) 49 (b) 50 (a)

 ||Indian Army General Duty Exam Practice Paper  Set-2||Indian Army GD Exam Model Test  Paper Set-2||

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