Instructions to candidates regarding Evaluation for the post of Lecturer (School-New) History, Political Science and Hindi-HPPSC Shimla


 Instructions to candidates regarding Evaluation for the post of Lecturer (School-New) History, Political Science and Hindi-HPPSC Shimla

1. That you have been declared qualified in the Written objective type Examination held for the posts of for Lecturer (School New) History, Political Science and Hindi (Class-III, Non Gazetted) (on Contract basis) advertised vide Advertisement No.22/2019 dated 10-12- 2019. As per the new procedure adopted by the Commission for evaluation, you have to fill up the marks claimed by you on the basis of documents/ certificates laid down for evaluation purpose on “Evaluation Form” and also have to upload the scanned copy of the same duly signed on the OTR portal. The online window for uploading of the documents shall be open from 15-06-2021 to 20-06-2021 for Lecturer (School New) History and Political Science and from 21-06-2021 to 26-06-2021 for Lecturer (School New) Hindi. No further opportunity shall be given to any candidate in case the candidate fails to upload the requisite documents within the given time stipulated time.

2. That you have to upload the color scanned copies of your original documents on the OTR portal using your existing user name and password ( The link for uploading of the documents on the OTR shall be activated on 15.06.2021.

3. Your admission to the evaluation is purely provisional subject to the verification of eligibility as per rules /instructions / advertisement. The fact that you have been selected for evaluation does not confer any right on you for selection against the post.  Please keep ready the scanned soft copies of original certificates of the following documents for uploading them on the upload link which will be available on the OTR w.e.f. 15.06.2020.

i) Matriculation Certificate and 10+2 certificate (passed from any School/Institution situated in Himachal Pradesh) in accordance with the Notification No. Per (AP)-C.C (17)-2/2018 dated 19-11-2019.

ii) Master’s Degree/ Provisional Degree/ Result-cum-Detailed Marks Certificate of all Semesters/Consolidated Marks Sheet in the subject concerned from a recognized University (with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate) or its equivalent.

iii) Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) as professional qualification from recognized University/Institution with minimum 50% marks. OR Two year’s Integrated M.Sc. Ed. Course or an equivalent course from a recognized University.

iv)* SC / ST certificate on the prescribed format duly issued by the competent authority.

v) * Latest / valid OBC Certificate on the prescribed format along with undertaking.


vi) Latest / valid Income and Asset Certificate issued by the competent authority in the State Government of Himachal Pradesh and also a non – SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority as a proof of EWS of H.P. category (Economically Weaker Section  -2- of H.P.).The reservation to the category of EWS (document to be submitted in support of their claim), shall be as per instructions issued by the Government of H.P. (in the Department of Personnel) vide letter No. PER (AP) –C- B (12)-1/2019 dated 11th June, 2019. If any BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for (EWS) category he / she shall have to upload a latest / valid BPL certificate duly countersigned by the BDO and also a non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority.

vii) BPL Certificate duly issued by the competent authority and countersigned by B.D.O. if applicable.

viii) WFF certificate on the prescribed Performa duly issued by the competent authority, if applicable.

ix) Bonafide Himachali Certificate issued by the competent authority.

x) Character certificate from head of the institution last attended.

xi) Latest Character certificate from Gazetted Officer of Govt./Semi Govt. Organization.

xii) No objection certificate from your present employer in case employed on regular basis in Govt. /Semi Govt. Organization.

xiii) Any other certificates of your academic qualifications and experience etc. in support of your eligibility for the posts as required in Advertisement.

Note : Specimen of various certificate(s) required to be submitted in support of category claim are annexed as “Annexure-A” to facilitate the candidate.

4. The eligibility of the candidate in terms of essential qualifications and experience etc. shall be reckoned on the last date of receipt of application i.e. 30-12-2019.

5. Specimen of Certificate and authorities competent to issue certificates regarding Backward Area/ Panchayat, Land less family/ family having less than 1 Ha. Land, NonEmployment, BPL/ Widow/ divorced/ destitute/ single women/ single daughter/ orphan/ Differently abled person/ NCC/NSS/ Scouts & Guides and Medal winners in national level sports competition certificates etc. has been uploaded on the website of the Commission and also annexed as “Annexure-B” for the convenience of the candidates. No certificate(s) issued by the authority other than the authority mentioned in the specimen of Certificate(s) will be entertained.

 6. Onus of proving that you are eligible for the post is on you only. If the date of notification/ declaration of result is not indicated in the certificate/ degree/ marks list, the date of issue of certificate/ degree/ marks list shall be deemed as date of acquiring essential qualification.

7. If a candidate fails to upload any of the certificates mentioned above, which is necessary to determine his / her eligibility, his/ her claim for evaluation shall not be entertained and his/ her documents shall not be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee and no further time will be allowed to produce any document.

8. Besides, your eligibility will be subject to the conditions given in Advertisement No.22/2019 dated10-12-2019.

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