Primary & Elementary School Child Development Question Answer In English

Intelligence and Creativity Question Answer In English


Intelligence and Creativity Question Answer In English:-If you are preparing for any HPTET & HPTGT paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Intelligence and Creativity Question Answer In English. Check our website daily to see other parts.

Intelligence and Creativity Question Answer In English For TET & TGT Exam:

1. The concept of mental age was used for the first time.
(a) Binet-Simon scale -1905
(b) Binet-Simon scale -1908
(c) Binet-Simon scale-1911
(d) Binet-Simon scale -1916

2. If the actual age of a child is 12 years, and his IQ level is 75, then his mental age will be
(a) 8 years
(b) 9 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 12 years

3. “Children actively construct their understanding of the world.” This statement was given by
(a) Piaget
(b) Pavlov
(c) Kohlberg
(d) Skinner

4. According to Multiple Intelligence Theory the ability to identify and classify all varieties of animals, minerals and plants is called
(a) Natural Intelligence
(b) Linguistic Intelligence
(c) Spatial Intelligence
(d) Logical Mathematical Intelligence

5. According to Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, which form of intelligence is not respected in schools?
(a) Spatial
(b) Language-relation
(c) Logical
(d) None of the above

6. If the chronological age of a child is 60 months and his mental age is 66 months, his IQ(ii) will be: (a) 90
(b) 100
(c) 110
(d) Cannot be determined

7. Intelligence is explained as:
(a) a ‘quality’
(b) a ‘product’
(c) a ‘process’
(d) a ‘process’ and ‘product’

 8. A gifted child can never be defined as:
(a) His IQ is 120 or more.
(b) His performance in music, the arts, social leadership and other forms of expression is notable consistently.
(c) Its potential is within the range of the upper two percent to three percent of the population.
(d) Is very different from other people of his age.

9. Which of the following is a characteristic of a gifted child?
(a) They lagfar behind the children of their age.
(b) They have low IQ.
(c) Ability to make quick decisions and are confident.
(d) Are unable to interact with others.

10. ‘Common factor’ that is G, according to Spearman
(a) is innate and immutable.
(b) is innate and changeable.
(c) is acquired and changeable.
(d) is acquired and immutable.

11. The theory of Multiple Multi-Intelligence was given.
(a) Howard Gardner
(b) Thurston
(c) Guilford
(d) JB Watson

12. There is a relationship between intelligence quotient (IQ) and academic performance.
(a) Deep
(b) Direct
(c) Proportionate
(d) All of the above

13. “The majority of people are average, some are high intelligence(s) and some are very slow wit(s)” This statement is based on an established principle.
(a) Intelligence distribution
(b) Development of Intelligence
(c) Intelligence and Gender Variation
(d) Intelligence and Species Variation

14. A teacher uses a variety of tasks to satisfy the different learning styles of her learners. He is influenced by ……….
(a) Gardner’s Multiple Intelligene Theory
(b) Vygosky’s socio-cultural Theory
(c) Piaget’s principles of cognitive development
(d) Kohlberg’s principles of moral development

15. In psychometric test, the existence of ‘H’ factor’ was proposed by.
(a) Binet
(b) Babbage
(c) Thorndike
(d) Spearman

16. “Intelligence is logical thinking.” This definition of intelligence has been given.
(a) Stern
(b) Terman
(c) Spearman
(d) Binet

17. The formula for finding the IQ score is
(a) IQ= Actual Age/mental Age x 100
(b) IQ= Actual Age/educational Age x 100
(c) IQ= Mental Age/actual Age x 100
(d) IQ= Mental Age/educational Age x 100

18. Vipin is a day-dreaming visionary, interested in reading books, unable to express his thoughts to others, not sociable and idealistic child. Then his personality type is
(a) Extroverted
(b) Introvert
(c) Ambiverted
(d) Entrepreneurial

19. “Educational psychology is the systematic study of educational attitude.” This definition of education psychology has been given by-
(a) B.F. Skinner
(b) C.V. Goode
(c) J.M Stephan
(d) C.H. Jude

 20. If the actual age of a child is 12 years, and he can solve the test made for a child of 15 years of age, then his intelligence (score) will be-
(a) 150
(b) 100
(c) 125
(d) 120

21. Creativity is fundamentally rooted in
(a) Convergent Thinking
(b) Associative Thinking
(c) Divergent thinking
(d) Reflective thinking

22. Who was a pioneer in creativity research?
(a) Galton
(b) Guilford
(c) Wallach
(d) Torrance

23. Which of the following is a principle of development?
(a) Growth is always linear.
(b) It is not a continuous process.
(c) Not all processes of development are interrelated.
(d) Not everyone has the same rate of growth.

24. A teacher uses some pictures of text material and fruits and vegetables and discusses them with her students. Students connect this information with their prior knowledge and learn the concept of nutrition. This approach is based on ………
(a) Principles of Reinforcement
(b) Operant conditioning theory of learning
(c) Knowledge creation
(d) Classical Conditioning theory of Learning

25. When the child’s grandmother takes him from his mother’s lap, the child starts crying. The child cries because of ………….
(a) Emotional Anxiety
(b) Stranger Anxiety
(c) Separation anxiety
(s) Social anxiety 

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