Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3


Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3

||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3|| Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSC Set-3||Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSSB Set-3|| 

51. What does the “Single-Stroke” lettering mean ? 

(A) Cursive writing

 (B) Uniformity in letters as obtained in one stroke of the pencil

 (C) Writing in one stroke without lifting the pencil

 (D) Writing only with hard, small diameter lead-pencil “

 52. Which is the wrong statement regarding dimensions ? 

(A) Every dimension must be given, but none should be given more than once.

 (B) Every dimension should be written to the left side of the drawing.

 (C) Dimensions should be placed outside the views. 

(D) A centre line should not be used as dimension line. 

 53. The beginning or end of a job is 

(A) Event 

(B) Activity

 (C) Starter 

D) All of these 

54. An activity represented by dotted line in CPM network is called

 (A) Critical path

 (B) Dummy activity 

(C) Non-essential activity

 (D) None of these 

 55. The difference between latest start time for an activity and its earliest start time is

 (A) Total float

 (B) Free float

 (C) Forward pass 

(D) Backward pass 

56. Communication is a 

(A) Two way process 

(B) Three way process 

(C) One way process

 (D) None of these

 57. How many types of land use pattern are there ?  ? 

(A) 10 

(B) 20 

(C) 15

 (D) 5 

58. General land use planning deals with

 (A) Residential

 (B) Institutional

 (C) Forest

 (D) Commercial 

 59. A style in Architecture influenced by geometrical figure is called

 (A) Renaissance

 (B) Gothic

 (C) Romanesque 

(D) Art deco 

60. Shore Temple is located in

 (A) Ajanta

 (B) Mahabalipuram 

(C) Tanjore

 (D) Modhera 

 61. The settling speed of mortar can be increased using :

 (A) Lime 

(B) Sulphur

 (C) Pozzolana

 (D) Gypsum 

62. Which of the below mortar can settle under water ? 

(A) Hydrolytic 

(B) Pozzolana 

(C) Lime 

(D) Fly ash 

 63. Light weight mortar is prepared by using : 

(A) Lime 

(B) Surkhi

 (C) Wood chips

 (D) Fly ash 

64. How many types of machine mixers are available ? 

(A) 2 

(B) 5 

(C) 6 

(D) 3 

 65. In large forests, trees are felled using : 

(A) Hammer and chisel 

(B) Chainsaw

 (C) Tractor 

(D) Axe 

66. The appearance of glossy patches on the painted surface is called :

 (A) Flashing

 (B) Blooming

 (C) Running

 (D) Blistering 

 67. The component filler in paint does the function of : 

(A) Absorbing oxygen

 (B) Reducing cost 

(C) Consistency

 (D) Smooth spreading 

68. As compared to stretcher course the thickness of joints in header course should be

 (A) Less

 (B) More

 (C) Equal

 (D) Equal or more 

 69. The wedge shaped bricks forming an arch ring, is called 

(A) Soffits

 (B) Voussoirs 

(C) Haunches

 (D) Spandrils 

70. A staircase should not have a pitch more than

 (A) 30 degree 

(B) 40 degree 

(C) 25 degree 

(D) 50 degree 

 71. Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for

 (A) Covering large areas

 (B) Plain regions

 (C) Coastal region 

(D) All of these 

72. The function of cleats in a roof truss is

 (A) To support the common rafter 

(B) To support purlins 

(C) To prevent the purlins from tilting 

(D) All of these 

 73. In which of the following pairs both trees yield soft wood ? 

A) Deodar & Shishum

 (B) Chir & Saal

 (C) Saal & Teak

 (D) Chir & Deodar 

 74. A covering of concrete placed on the exposed top of an external wall, is known as

 (A) Cornice 

(B) Coping 

(C) Frieze 

(D) Lintel 

75. For effective drainage the finished surface of the flat roof should have a minimum slope of 

(A) 1 is to 20

 (B) 1 is to 50

 (C) 1 is to 10 

(D) 1 is to 5

||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3|| Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-3||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSC Set-3||Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSSB Set-3||

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