Kinnaur District GK Question Answer In English:- Kinnour is a district in the east of Himachal Pradesh. It is situated between 31° 55″ 50 to 32° 05″ 15 North Latitude and 77° 45′ to 79° 04′ 35″ Eastern Longitude. Kinnaur is situated on the east by Tibet, on the south by Uttarakhand, on the west by Kullu, on the south and southwest by Shimla, and on the northwest by Lahaul Spiti district. Zaskar demarcates between Kinnaur and Tibet. The border of Kinnaur and Tibet starts from Parachhu and passes through Shipkila, Ranso, Shimdong and Gumrang passes.
Kinnaur District GK One Liner In English
- which is the last village of India on the border of China in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh? –Sumdro (Kaurik)
- Which Governor General shifted his summer headquarters from Shimla to the Chinese now known as Kalpa?-Lord Dalhousie
- Which is the headquarters of Kinnaur district? -Rikangpiyo
- By what name do we call Ladakh in Kinnaur? –Mone
- Headquarters of Hongrang. –Lio
- Whose old name was Chinese. of –Kalpa
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