KV Chamera-1 Khairi Chamba Teaching & Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2024:-Applications are invited from eligible candidates to prepare a panel of following posts on Part Time /Contractual basis for session 2024-25 This Panel is completely temporary

Education Qualification:-
Post Name | Qualification |
Primary Teachers | 12th Pass with 50%marks JBT/STC or equivalent and CTET level 1 passed & proficiency to teach in English and Hindi medium |
TGT (English, Maths, Sanskrit) | 1) Four years’ Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate; OR Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. The electives subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects as under: a) For TGT (Sanskrit): Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years. b) For TGT (English) : English as a subject in all the three years. c) For TGT (Mathematics) – Bachelor Degree in Mathematics with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics. 2) Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET-II), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium |
PGT (Hindi, English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Commerce, History, Geography) | 50% in Post-Graduation with concern subject and B.Ed. Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium. |
PGT Computer Science | At least 50% marks in aggregate in B.Tech (CS/IP)/B.E. / B.Tech+PGDCA OR M.Sc(Comp. Sci/IT) OR BCA+PG/PGDCA+PG OR B Level DOEACC+PG OR C Level DOEACC+Graduate |
Computer Instructor | B.E.,B.Tech(CS)/BCA/MCA/MSc(Electronics with CS (Component)/ MSc(IT) /BSc (CS) or Bachelors/ Master Degree in Science Subject/ Mathematics from recognized University with Post Graduate, Diploma in Computer application from Govt. recognized University/institute OR Post-Graduate degree in any subject with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer application from Govt. recognized University/”O” level from DOEACC |
Art & Crafts Coach | Diploma in Art &Craft or Equivalent |
Counselor | BA/BSc (Psychology)with certificate Diploma in Counseling. Desirable Qualification: – One-year Experience in Providing Career/Educational Counseling to students at schools. OR working knowledge and experience in placement Bureaus. OR Registration with rehabilitation Council of India as Vocational Counselor. |
Special educator | Elementary Level: Primary & Upper-Primary: D.Ed. Spl.Ed. or its equivalent from a RCI recognized Institute and must be registered with RCI and As Per KVS rules. Secondary & Sr. Secondary Level: B.Ed. Spl. Ed. or its equivalent from a RCI recognized Institute and must be registered with RCI and As Per KVS rules |
Yoga Instructor | 1) Graduation in any subject or equivalent from a recognized University. 2) One year Training in Yoga from a recognized Instt |
Music Instructor | Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent and Bachelor Degree in Music or equivalent from a recognized University |
- All the candidates must have efficiency to teach in both languages Hindi as well as English and must have knowledge of working on Computer. Emoluments as per KVS norms
- No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the interview
- Willing Candidates can download the application available at our website https://no1chamera.kvs.ac.in/. Applications along with photocopies of documents can be submitted on day of interview in Kendriya Vidyalaya Chamera-1at 9 AM.
- All the eligible candidates must produce original Certificates at the time of interview and report at the venue at 9-00 a.m. on the date of interview. Late comers will not be allowed for Interview
Notification | CLICK HERE |
Application Form | CLICK HERE |
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