List Of Candidates who have been called for Personal Interview for the Professor Post-CUHP


 List Of Candidates who have been called for Personal Interview for the Professor Post-CUHP

||List Of Candidates who have been called for Personal Interview for the Professor Post-CUHP||List Of Candidates who have been called for Personal Interview for the Professor Post-Central University of himachal pradesh||


1. Professor, Department of Tourism and Travel Management 

2. Professor, Department of Economics

 3. Associate Professor, Department of Economics 

4. Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Travel Management

1. The University had advertised the above posts vide Employment Notice No. 001/2021 dated 21.10.2021 with last date of receipt of Applications as on 11.11.2021 

2. The University received online applications on Samarth Portal for the said posts and these applications were screened by the duly constituted Screening Committee. The Screening Committee checked and verified the records of each applicants uploaded by them on Samarth Portal and determined their eligibility strictly in accordance with the minimum qualification prescribed by the University vide Employment Notice No. 001/2021 dated 21.10.2021. 

3. After the screening the University uploaded the status of applications of above subjects/ disciplines on the University Website on dated 27.12.2021(For Deptt. of Economics) & 03.01.2022 (For Deptt. of Tourism & Travel Management) and the applicants were advised to go through their details carefully and submit discrepancy/objections/ representation to the University latest by 03.01.2022 (For Economics) & 10.01.2022 (For Tourism & Travel Management).

 4. The requests/objections/representations so received from the candidate(s) were again placed before the Screening Committee. After looking into the discrepancies/objections/ representations raised by the candidate(s), the final status of applications was uploaded on the University Website on 01.02.2022. 

5. The University further decided that in view of the large number of applications for the positions of Assistant Professors in each discipline, the number of candidates to be called for interview against one vacancy be restricted to a maximum of 30. Further, in case of tie (i.e. more than one applicants having the same combined score all applicants having the same combined score as the 30th candidate in the discipline be short-listed to be called for  interview. The status of cut-off score in case of Assistant Professor in the Department of Tourism and Travel Management is placed at Annexure-I . 

6. The list of candidates who have been called for Personal Interview is uploaded today on university website.

 7. The eligibility of the candidates is Provisional and the candidate(s) called for interview has to substantiate his claims, as uploaded by him on the Samarth Portal and submitted with his representation if any, with the original documents before Interview in front of the document verification committee constituted by the University. The candidate(s) should ensure that they possess the eligibility as per UGC Regulations 2018(As amended time to time).

 8. The Personal Interview for the aforesaid posts will be held on 24.02.2022 at ViceChancellor Secretariat, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, District Kangra (HP)-176215. No separate/individual information/communication shall be forwarded to the candidate(s) for the above mentioned details.

 9. The important information w.r.t. other disciplines is under process and shall be uploaded on university website shortly. The candidates are advised to visit university website regularly.


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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