Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact) MCQ Question Answer In English


 Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact) MCQ Question Answer In English

||Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact) MCQ Question Answer In English||Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact)  Question Answer In English||

1. The famous ‘Lucknow Pact’ was signed between the Congress and Muslim League in 

(A) 1913 

(B) 1914

 (C) 1915

 (D) 1916 

 2. Who among the following was the chief architect or reconciliation between the Extremists and the Moderates? 

(A) Annie Besant 

 (B) M.A. Jinnah 

 (C) Madam Cama

 (D) Firoz Shah Mehta

 3. In December, 1916 both Indian National Congress and Indian Muslim League held their session at 

 (A) Aligarh

 (B) Allahabad 

 (C) Lucknow 

(D) Lahore 

 4. The Lucknow Session of Indian National Congress that took place in 1916 was presided over by 

(A) Annie Besant 

 (B) Lala Lajpat Rai 

 (C) Motilal Nehru 

 (D) A.C. Majumdar 

 5. Who made the agreement between Muslim League and Congress in 1916?

 (A) B.G. Tilak

 (B) Gokhale

 (C) Annie Besant

 (D) J.L. Nehru 

 6. Which implication was taken in Lucknow session of Congress in 1916? 

 (A) Separate electorate demand of Muslim League was accepted 

 (B) Temporary merger of Muslim League and Congress occurred

 (C) A Muslim person was elected as President of Congress

 (D) None of the above 

 7. The Congress for the first time accepted the system of separate electorate for Muslims in the year 

 (A) 1909

 (B) 1916 

 (C) 1931 

(D) 1932

 8. Which one of the following presents period of unanimity between Indian National Congress and Muslim League? 

 (A) 1906-1911

 (B) 1916-1922

 (C) 1917-1921 

 (D) 1940-1946 

 9. Which one of the following is not correct about the Congress Session of Lucknow, 1916? 

 (A) Ambika Charan Majumdar was not the President of this session

 (B) In this session, the reunion between the liberal and the extremist was established

 (C) Mahatma Gandhi was apprised of the problems of the peasants of Champaran for the first time

 (D) None of the above 

10. Which of the following sessions of Indian National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi was apprised of the problems of Champaran peasants?

 (A) Banaras Session, 1905

 (B) Calcutta Session, 1906 

 (C) Surat Session, 1906

 (D) Lucknow Session, 1916

||Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact) MCQ Question Answer In English||Lucknow Session of Congress (The Lucknow Pact)  Question Answer In English||

 Answer Sheet1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (D)

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