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Mahatma Gandhi’s Visits to Shimla


Mahatma Gandhi’s Visits to Shimla 

Mahatma Gandhi made several visits to Shimla in the era of siruggle for freedom. He met Viceroys on various issues and participated in various meetings in Shimla. 

Shimla was very famous as a place anong the Britishers during the pre-independence period. As such Shimla remained the summer capital of the nation. During the struggle for freedonm, our Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi, made several visits to Shimla. Here is a brief detail of his visits

  • 12th May, 1921-On May 12,1921, Mahatma Gandhi came to Shimla in order to have a meeting with the Viceroy. He gave a speech to the people in the Id-Gaha Maidan. 
  • 11th May, 1931 to 17th May, 1931-In this span of time Mahatma Gandhi had a meeting with Lord Willingdon in Shimla on violation of peace related acts between Indian freedom fighters and British government by British government.
  • 13th July, 1931 to 22nd July, 1931- Again Mahaima Gandhi visited Shimla from 13th July, 1931 to 22nd July, 1931 to have a discussion with lord Willingdon. 
  • 25th August, 1931 to 27th August, 1931- Mahatma Gandhi visited Shimla in this span to have a talk with Viceroy and to have a discussion with George Suster in relation to Salt law. 
  • 28th June, 1940- Mahama Gandhi visited Shimla on 28th June, 1940 to talk in context of Second World War and our nation ‘s favour in that. 
  • 27th September, 1940 to 30th September, 1940-In this visit of Mahatma Gandhi to Shimla. he informed the Viceroy that the war is being forced on the Indian masses. 
  • 23rd June, 1945 to 17th July, 1945-Mahatama Gandhi participated in the Wavell Plan held in Shimla
  •  2nd May, 1946 to 14th May, 1946-Malhatma Gandhi participated in the Cabinet Mission in Shimla and discussed on Cripps Mission also.

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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