Most Important Himachal Pradesh GK Question Answer In English -Part-36


Most Important Himachal Pradesh GK Question Answer In English -Part-36

||Most Important Himachal Pradesh GK Question Answer In English ||Most Important HP GK Question Answer In English -Part-36||Most Important HP GK Question Answer for hppsc|| 

 976. The Kulindas Janapada is mentioned in which among the following Puranas?

A. Vishnu Purana

B. Vayu Purana

C. Markandeya Purana

 D. All of the above

977. For which text we know about the alliance between Chandragupta and Parvatak?

A. Mudrarakshasa

B.  Parishishtaparvan

C.  Both (1) and (2)

D.  Ashtadhyoi

978. The copper and silver coins of Kulindas had

A.  Brahmi and Kharosthi script

B. Brahmi and Sanskrit Script

C.  Brahmi and Bhatian script

D. None of the above

979. The capital of Parvatak was in

A. Ambala 

B. Jalandhara

C. Kangra 

 D. Multan

980. Which among the following Himalayan king, allied with Chanakya to ascend the throne of Magadha?

A. Sudas 

B. Divodas

C. Parvatak 

D. Shambara

981. One of the Stupas, built by Ashoka is located in which among the following place in Himachal Pradesh?

A. Lahaul and Spiti 

B. Kullu valley

C. Kufri 

D. Both (1) and (2)

982. Pravatak, the Himalayan Chief was treacherously killed by

A. Chandragupta 

B. Samudragupta

C. Chanakya 

D. Alexander

983. Which dynasty came to power in Himalayan region after the fall of the Mauryan?

A. Kushana

B. Shung

C. Gupta 


984. Which among the following had credit to spread or preach Buddhism in Himalayan states?

A. Majjhima 

B. Ashoka

C. Bindusar 


985. Who among the following annexed all the Janapadas of Himachal Pradesh?

A. Chandragupta Maurya

B.  Samudragupta

C. Asoka

D. Chandragupta-II

986. The powerful king(s) of the Kushanas is/are

A. Kanishka 


C. Both (1) and (2)

D. None of them

987. Huns attacked in Hill regions during which among the following ruler?

A. Samudragupta

B. Chandragupta-11

C. Ramgupta

D. Skandagupta

988. During the rule of which dynasty, Huns invaded Himachal?

A. Mauryas 

B.  Guptas

C. Kushanas 

D. Rajputs

989. Name the most successful ruler of Huns tribes.

A.  Toramana

B. Mihirgula

C. Kadphis

D. None of them

990. Toramana was the chief of

A. Saka tribes

B. Huns tribes

C. Naga tribes

D. Munda Tribes

991. Consider the following Statements

1. The name Himachal comes from Himalyan mountains.

II. The great poet Kalidasa called Himachal Devantatma. 

III.Copper plates and stone inscriptions have been found in Himachal. Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. Only  I

B.  Only II

C. II and III

D. All of the above

992. The territory of Rana was known as ……… and of Thakur was ……..

A.  Rahun, Thakurai

B. Rajanakas, Apthakurai

C.  Runn, Thankurdalan

D. None of the above

993. Consider the following statements

I. As per the Mudrarakshasa Chandragupta Maurya made treaty with Trigarta Chief Parvatak.

II. Asoka introduced Buddhism in Himachal Pradesh. Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. Only I

B. Only II

C. Both I and II

 D.  All of these

994. Consider the following statements

I. Rajtarangini and Vishnu Purana contain information about the old tribe of Kangra and Katoch rulers of Trigarta.

II. Rajtarangini contain the information about Lalitaditya influence on Kangra Valley. 

III. Persian Sources contain the information about Sultan Mahamud’s invasion of Nagarkot or Modern Kangra. Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. Only II 


C. I and II 

D. All of these

995. Match the following

List (Sources)                                                                              List II (Places)

A. Copper Plates issued by Maharaja Samudrasena             1. Nirmand, Kullu

B. Icon of Lord Vishnu                                                           2. Fatehpur, Kangra

C. Silver Coins of Kunindas                                              3.Jwalamukhi, Kangra

D. Asoka Inscription                                                          4. Khaniyara, Kangra

Codes ABCD

A. 3 2 1 4

B. 4 3 2 1

C. 2 3 14 

D. 1 2 3 4

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