Mostly Asked Grammar Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-2



Mostly Asked Grammar Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-2

||Mostly Asked Grammar Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-2||Mostly Asked  Grammar Question Answer In HPSSSB Hamirpur Exam Set-2||

1. Meaning of the idiom ‘From head to foot’ is

(A) considering all the details 

(B) tarnished image

(C) all over the body

(D) to cover completely

2. Synonym of the word ‘Scrupulous’ is

(A) impressive

(B) slow

(C) spendthrift

(D) careful of details

3. Aggressive reactions do not take the form______direct attack.

(A) in

(B) with 

(C) at

(D) of

4. ‘निर्लज’ में समास है

(A) अव्ययीभाव

 (B) द्वन्द्व

(C) तत्पुरुष

(D) बहुव्रीहि

5. शुद्ध शब्द है

(A) विशिस्ट

(B) विशिष्ट

(C) विशीष्ठ

(D) विशिष्ठ

6. ‘अन्वय’ का सन्धि विच्छेद है

(A) अन + वय 

(B) अनु + वय 

(C) अनु + अय 

(D) अनू + वय

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