Mostly Asked HP GK Question Answer in HPPSC Shimla Exam Set-19

Mostly Asked HP GK Question Answer in HPPSC Shimla Exam Set-19


Mostly Asked HP GK Question Answer in HPPSC Shimla Exam Set-19

265.Consider the following about Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh :
(i) Bhoti is spoken in Lower Kinnaur only
(ii) The Tibetans call Kinnaur as ‘Khunu’. 
(iii) In Leh this area is called as ‘Maon’.
(iv) Kalidasa does not mention the Kinners.
Choose the correct answer from the following :
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (iv) and (i)

266.Which of the following tributaries of the Beas river joins it in district Kangra ? (A) The Kunah
(B) The Spin
(C) The Solang
(D) The Sarvari

267.The Assembly was revived in Himachal Pradesh in year :
(A) 1961
(B) 1962
(C) 1963
(D) 1964

268. Which of the following districts of Himachal Pradesh had the highest density of population per sq. km, as per Census-2011 ?
(A) Kangra
(B) Hamirpur
(C) Mandi
(D) Solan

269. From which of the following states of India, Himachal Pradesh has less Female Literacy Rate, as per Census-2011 ? 
(A) Gujarat
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Goa 

270.The Swarna Jayanti Nari Sambal Yojana pension is given to those women of Himachal Pradesh who are in the following age group of :
(A) 60-70 years
(B) 65-69 years
(C)After 70 years
(D) No consideration of women’s age group

271. The Himachal Pradesh Government has implemented the new scheme “Nai Rahein Nai Manzilein” to develop the unexplored arens of State Tourism in :
(A) 2018-19
(B) 2019-20
(C) 2020-21
(D) 2021-22

272.The Iconic Skating Rink of Shimla, was built in the year :
(A) 1920
(B) 1917
(C) 1923
(D) 1926

273. Which of the following is correct about Himachal Pradesh’s border dispute with Jammu & Kashmir ?
(A) J & K is claiming its right over the whole of Pangi area of Chamba
(B) J& K is claiming its right over Chamba’s Mani Mahesh area
(C) J & K is claiming its right over the whole Spiti Valley
(D) J & K is claiming its right over Churah area of Chamba district

274.14. When was the Himalayan Riyasti Praja Mandal organized-?
(A) September, 1938
(B) October, 1938
(C) December, 1938
(D) November, 1938

275. Identify from the following Himachal Pradesh’s first Indian Police Service woman:
(A) Satwant Atwal Trivedi 
(B) Renu Negi
(C) Pratibha Tocuoll
(D)Vibha  Pathanin

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