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Mostly Asked Reasoning Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-4


Mostly Asked Reasoning Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-4

||Mostly Asked Reasoning Question Answer In HPSSC Exam Set-4||Mostly Asked  Reasoning Question Answer In HPSSSB Hamirpur Exam Set-4||

1. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘GOVERNMENT’ 

which have as many letters between them in the word as in alphabet ? 

 (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four  

2. Which is different from the rest ? 

(A) 7 (B) 11 (C) 13 (D) 15 

3. In a certain code ‘pul ta nop’ means ‘fruits is good’, ‘nop ho teer’ means ‘tree is long’ and ‘pul ho sop’ means ‘eat good food’ then which one of the following is used for ‘fruit’ ? 

 (A) pul (B) ta (C) nop (D) Data inadequate 

4. A man said to a woman, “your brother’s only sister is my mother.” What is the relation of the woman with the maternal grandmother of that man ?

 (A) Daughter (B) Niece (C) Sister (D) Mother 

5. Which of the following come in place of question mark in W1A, S2B, O5C, K16D, ?  ? 

 (A) F67E (B) G65E (C) E65E (D) H66E

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