National Agriculture Market (NAM)


 National Agriculture Market (NAM) 

Launched: July, 2015 


  •  National Agriculture Market (NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal, which networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
  •  The NAM Portal provides a single window service for all APMC related information and services. This includes commodity arrivals & prices, buy & sell trade offers, provision to respond to trade offers, among other services. While material flow (agriculture produce) continue to happen through mandis, an online market reduces transaction costs and information asymmetry.
  • To promote genuine price discovery. 
  • Increases farmers’ options for sale and access to markets.

 Salient Features of NAM 

  •  A national e-market platform for transparent sale transactions and price discovery initially in regulated markets. Willing States to accordingly enact suitable provisions in their APMC Act for promotion of e trading by their State Agricultural Marketing Board/APMC. 
  • The e-NAM trading mechanism proposes to integrate 585 regulated wholesale markets or agriculture produce market committees (APMCs) under one electronic platform within a couple of years. 
  • This project will operate through an online portal which is being linked to the mandis of the States.
  •  Its software will be provided to all the willing states without cost. 
  • A knowledgeable person is being deployed for one year in every sharing mandi so as to facilitate the smooth functioning of the portal. 
  • Under this Project, Government of India is providing a grant of Rs. 30 lacs to the proposed agriculture mandis of the states. 
  • The farmers will be provided “farmer helpline services round the clock” for obtaining information related to this portal. 
  • The eNAM will allow farmers to sell their produce to highest bidders.
  •  Launched with a budget allocation of Rs 200 crore for three years, 25 key commodities, including wheat, paddy, maize, onion, jowar, bajra, groundnut, potato, soyabean and mustard seed, have been selected for e-trading. 
  • Fruits and vegetables normally known for price fluctuations, however, have not yet included in the platform.

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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