NIFT Kangra Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022


NIFT Kangra Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022

||NIFT Kangra Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022||NIFT Kangra Non Teaching Staff jobs notification & application form  2022||

 National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), a Statutory body under the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and a premier Institute of Fashion Business Education invites applications from the Indian Nationals for the following Group-C posts to be filled on regular basis for NIFT Kangra Campus:

NIFT Kangra Non Teaching Staff Recruitment 2022

AGE LIMIT: 27 years. Maximum upper age limit for NIFT employee may be relaxed upto (05) five years or total length of service rendered (on regular and/or long term contract basis) whichever is less. For persons belonging to SC/ ST/ OBC/PWD/Ex-Servicemen, age relaxation shall be as per Govt. of India norms.

APPLICATION FEE: The applicant shall be required to pay Application fee of Rs.590-(Application Fees Rs.500/-+GST@18%=Rs.90/-) with following conditions: 

(i) Demand Draft for the requisite fee should be drawn in favour of “NIFT General Account”. Payable at Kangra (H.P.). 

(ii) Applicant must write his/ her name, address and post applied for on back of Demand Draft and must enclose the original demand draft on their application form.

 (iii) The fee once paid shall not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances. 

(iv) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD & Female categories are exempted from paying the Application fee. 

(v) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories will get exemption from paying the Application fee against the categories post only.

 (vi) The candidates applying for more than one post, shall be required to apply separately along with the required application fees for each post.

 (vii) Demand draft should have been drawn on or after the date of publication of this advertisement.


4.1 Candidate should read the instructions and conditions carefully, before applying.

 4.2 Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications/experience laid down for the post as per the advertisement and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for selection process.

 4.3 Application forms can be downloaded from our website ( Applications in the prescribed format should be addressed to The Director, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Kangra, NIFT Campus, Chheb, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 176001 and be superscripted as “Application for the post of ” must be written on the sealed envelope. Self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials in proof of age/educational qualifications/category/experience etc. should be attached with the applications form. The Demand Draft drawn in favour of “NIFT General Account” payable at Kangra (HP) should also be attached with the application form. The Demand Draft should not be tagged or stapled but should be pinned or clipped at the top of the prescribed application form. Filled Application should reach to the above address through Registered Post/Speed Post only by the closing date 07.10.2022. 

4.4 The candidates shall be required to mention their correct and active e-mail addresses and Mobile number in their application form at prescribed place, as all the correspondence like issuance of call letters/ admit cards or any other information will be communicated through email only. 

4.5 Any updates with regard to this recruitment process shall be published on NIFT Kangra’s website ( 

 4.6 While applying for the posts of Machine Mechanic should be mentioned in the application form. The detail of the competency code is mentioned in the eligibility criteria section (Please refer para-2). 

4.7 Only female candidates are entitled to apply for the post of Assistant Warden (Girls).

 4.8 Those candidates who are employed in Govt. / Semi Govt. / Autonomous Bodies etc. should send their applications through Proper Channel. However, they may send an advance copy of their application to the address as mentioned above. Those who are unable to process their application through proper channel may submit “No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ from present employer at the time of Written / Skill Test. However, they should submit an undertaking that they shall submit a certificate from the employer / competent authority within one month that no vigilance / disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against him/her. Direct application from such candidates will not be entertained. 

4.9 Certificate in support of experience should be given by Appropriate Authority clearly mentioning the period and nature of work done in that particular organization /Institution. 

4.10 Incomplete/unsigned/illegible applications and applications received without fee/photograph/certified copies of required certificates such as educational qualifications, caste/community etc., and those received after the prescribed last date, will summarily be rejected without any communication to the candidate. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 

4.11 NIFT will not be responsible for any postal delay/ loss in transit in submission of application within specified time. 4.12 Qualifications, experiences, age etc. will be taken into consideration as on the initial date of advertisement (08.09.2022).



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