NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2021-01 Project Assistant post


 NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2021-01  Project Assistant post

||NIT Hamirpur Recruitment 2021-01  Project Assistant post||NIT Hamirpur Project Assistant  Jobs 2021||

Applications are invited for 01 post of Project Assistant for the research project on “Power Flow Management in Solar-Wind-based Micro-Grid Using Artificial Intelligent-Based Control Techniques” at NIT Hamirpur sponsored/funded by H.P. Council for Science, Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE), Shimla with the details as follows:

Name of Post Project:- Assistant (One)

Qualifications Essential: 

1. First class with not less than 60% aggregate or not less than 6.5 CGPA on a l0 point scale in B.E/B.Tech(EE/EEE). 

2. Working knowledge of MATLAB/Simulink or other similar simulation tools. 


1. M.E./M.Techin Electrical Engineering/Energy Technology

Emoluments :-Rs. 15,000/- per month (Consolidated)

Nature of Appointments :-The post is purely on contract basis with no other benefits associated with it.

Project Duration :-02 years

Age Limit :-Not more than 35 years as on last date of receipt of applications. Upper age limit will be relaxed up to 5 years for SC/ST/Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates and 3 years for OBC-Non-creamy layer candidates

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should submit an application on plain paper and onepage bio data as per ‘Annexure-I along with one set of self-attested copies of the relevant certificates/documents. The list of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the institute website. No separate letter will be issued to the shortlisted candidates for appearing in further screening and selection process. The application should reach by Email ([email protected]) to Dr.Anil Kumar Yadav (PI) on or before 30/06/2021


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