NIT Hamirpur Senior Research Fellow Recruitment 2022
||NIT Hamirpur Senior Research Fellow Recruitment 2022||NIT Hamirpur Senior Research Fellow jobs notification 2022||
Eligible candidates are invited for a walk-in-interview to be held on 29.03.2022 at 11:30 AM in the Committee Room, Architecture Department for the following purely contract-basis assignment for a period up to 30”^ June 2022 (the completion of the Project), to work in the Department of BioTechnology (DBT). Ministry of Science and Technology, GOl, funded research project entitled “Social-economic-environmental trade-offs in managing the Land-River-Interface” (SEELARI).
1 Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow (SRF’)
2 Qualification and Experience:: Post Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering {M.Tech/M.E.or equivalent} (Preferably WRE/Irrigation/Hydraulics/Environment Engineering/Water Resources Management) with 60% Marks or 6.5 CGPI and tM’o years of research experience.
3 Emoluments: Rs 35000/-+ 8% URA PM (consolidated) (as per DST guidelines)
4 Nature of appointment: The post is purely on contract basis with no other benefits associated with it
Interested candidates should bring an application on plain paper and one page bio data as per “Annexure-i” along with all the originals and one set of attested copies of the relevant certificates/documents. V Please note that no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. For further information, interested candidates may contact the undersigned. Dr. Vijay Shankar (PI, DBT Funded Research Project) Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur-177005, HP Phones: 01972-254340(O); E-mail: [email protected]
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