Open Office MCQ For HPSSC JOA IT Exam


Open Office MCQ For HPSSC JOA IT Exam


1. GIMP permits manipulation at ______ levels.

(a) image 

(b) layer

(c) color space

 (d) all of them

2. Simple painting can be done using ______ tools in GIMP.

(a) brush/ airbrush

(b) eraser

(c) ink

(d) all of them

3. Layers may be aligned using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) crop tool 

(b) alignment tool

(c) rotate tool 

(d) scale tool

4. drawing file has extension of ______.

(a) .odt 

(b) .ods

(c) .odg

 (d) .odp

5. presentation file has extension of ______.

(a) .odt 

(b) .ods

(c) .odg 

(d) .odp

6. Pencil drawing can be done using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) text 

(b) bucket fill

(c) blend

 (d) pencil

7. Colour difference between adjacent portions can be healed through proper gradient using ____ tool in GIMP.

(a) text 

(b) bucket fill

(c) blend

 (d) pencil

8. In, spreadsheet can be prepared using _______ application.

(a) writer 

(b) calc

(c) draw

 (d) impress

9. Filling can be done using _______ tool in GIMP.

(a) text 

(b) bucket fill

(c) blend 

(d) pencil

10. In, drawing can be prepared using ______application.

(a) writer 

(b) calc

 (c) draw

 (d) impress

11. In, presentation can be prepared using ______application.

(a) writer

 (b) calc

(c) draw

 (d) impress

12. _______ are the important properties of images.

(a) Colour

 (b) Width

(c) Height

 (d) all of them

13. Text can be inserted into an image using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) text 

(b) bucket fill

(c) blend

 (d) pencil

14. Each pixel possess the properties of ______.

(a) Colour

(b) Transparency (alpha)

(c) both a & b

(d) none of them

15. Image may be flipped (horizontally or vertically) using_______ tool in GIMP.

(a) shear 

(b) perspective

(c) ip 

(d) cage transform tool

16. Any visible colour can be created using appropriate combination of ______ .

(a) Red

 (b) Green

(c) Blue

 (d) all of them

17. Alpha value of 0 represents ______ colour.

(a) opaque

(b) transparent

(c) semitransparent

(d) none of them

18. Maximum alpha value represents _____ colour.

(a) opaque

(b) transparent

(c) semitransparent

(d) none of them

19. Alpha value between 0 and maxim represents ______ colour.

(a) opaque

 (b) transparent

(c) semitransparent

 (d) none of them

20. BMP in image format stands for _______.

(a) Binary Magnified Photo

(b) Binary Machine Picture

(c) Binary Machine Photo

(d) BitMaP

21. Selected portions may be distorted inside a cage using _____ tool in GIMP.

(a) shear

(b) perspective

(c) ip

(d) cage transform tool

22. JPEG is a ______ compression format.

(a) lossy

(b) lossless

(c) both a & b

(d) neither a nor b

23. JPEG format is widely adopted for _______.

(a) digital photography

(b) printing

(c) image editing

(d) all of them

24. JPEG 2000 is a new version of JPEG adopted in______ .

(a) video frame compression

(b) audio compression

(c) grayscale image compression

(d) none of them

25. JPEG 2000 is a _______ compression format.

(a) lossy

(b) lossless

(c) both a & b

(d) neither a nor b

26. Selected region or layer converted to 3D appearance using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) shear

(b) perspective

(c) ip

(d) cage transform tool

27. ______ file format supports simple animations in an image.

(a) GIF 

(b) JPG

(c) BMP 

(d) TIF

28. In digital imaging, TIFF stands for ______.

(a) Tagged Initial File Format

(b) Tagged Image File Frame

(c) Triggered Image File Format

(d) Tagged Image File Format

29. Selected region or layer may be distorted using _____ tool in GIMP.

(a) shear

(b) perspective

(c) ip

(d) cage transform tool

30. TIFF is more suitable for ______ than for digital photography.

(a) digital printing

(b) digital drawing

(c) digital video

(d) digital audio

31. Selected portions or layers may be scaled using _______ tool in GIMP.

(a) crop tool 

(b) alignment tool

(c) rotate tool

 (d) scale tool

32. PNG supports ______ compression.

(a) lossy

(b) lossless

(c) both a & b

(d) neither a nor b

33. Google WebP is an image format which supports _________ compression.

(a) lossy

(b) lossless

(c) both a & b

(d) neither a nor b

34. Google WebP aims to supersede ______ as a file format for digital cameras.

(a) JPG

 (b) PNG

 (c) GIF

 (d) TIFF

35. ICO is an image format containing one or more icons of ______ type.

(a) BMP

(b) PNG

(c) both a & b

(d) neither a nor b

36. CPT file extension stands for ______.

(a) Corel Picture Paint

(b) Corel Photo Paint

(c) Creative Photo Paint

(d) Corel Photo Print

37. PSD file extension stands for ______.

(a) Photo Shop Drawing

(b) Picture Shop Document

(c) Photo Scan Document

(d) Photo Shop Document

38. PSP file extension stands for _______.

(a) Paint Shop Pro

(b) Paint Shop Photo

(c) Paint Shop Picture

(d) Paint Shop Print

39. XCF file extension stands for _______.

(a) eXtreme Computing Facility

(b) eXtended Computing Facility

(c) eXperimental Computing Facility

(d) eXperimental Counting Facility

40. SVG in image format stands for ________.

(a) Scanned Vector Graphics

(b) Scalable Vector Graphics

(c) Scalable Vector Grayscale

(d) Scalable Vintage Graphics

41. The process of enhancing image quality by rotation, extraction, colour transformation, partial relocation, morphing and conversion from/ to colour image to grayscale, etc. are categorized as _______.

(a) image capture

(b) image viewing

(c) image editing

(d) none of them

42. Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, etc. belong to the category of _____ software.

(a) image capture

 (b) image viewing

(c) image editing

 (d) none of them

43. _______ is a free and open source software for image editing.

(a) Adobe Photoshop

 (b) Corel Paint Shop Pro

(c) GIMP 

(d) none of them

44. GIMP toolbox can be opened using______.

(a) Windows >Toolbox menu

(b) Ctrl+B shortcut

(c) both a & b

(d) none of them

45. GIMP toolbox contains rectangle, ellipse, freehand, fuzzy tool, colour select, scissor selection tool, foreground select and path tools for ______.

(a) selecting portions of images

(b) deleting images

(c) creating images

(d) drawing on images

46. In GIMP, color in one part of image may be picked for painting another part using ______ tool.

(a) color picker

 (b) zoom

(c) measure

 (d) move

47. In GIMP, image size may be enlarged or reduced using ______ tool.

(a) color picker

 (b) zoom

(c) measure

 (d) move

48. In GIMP, distances and angles can be measured using _______ tool.

(a) color picker

 (b) zoom

(c) measure 

(d) move

49. In GIMP, selected portions can be moved using ______ tool.

(a) color picker 

(b) zoom

(c) measure 

(d) move

50. Selected portions or layers may be rotated using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) crop tool

(b) alignment tool

(c) rotate tool

(d) scale tool

51. Edges of images can be removed using ______ tool in GIMP.

(a) crop tool 

(b) alignment tool

(c) rotate tool

 (d) scale too


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