Periodic Classification Of Elements MCQ Question Answer For HPTET


Periodic Classification Of Elements MCQ Question Answer For HPTET 

||Periodic Classification Of Elements MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Medical  ||Periodic Classification Of Elements MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Non Medical ||

1. Which of the following has the maximum size?

(a) Al-

(b) Ne

(c) Na+

(d) F-

2. Elements belonging to the same period are

(a) Si, N, O 

(b) Li, Be, Mg

(c) Sc, Ti, V 

(d) Cu, Zn, Cd

3. Atomic number of an element X is 34, it belongs to

(a) IV period, VI A group

 (b) IV period, II A group

(c) V period, III B group

(d) IV period, VII A group

4. An element A has atomic number 7. It will have properties similar to the element with atomic number

(a) 85

(b) 57

(c) 26

(d) 51

5. On moving across a period from left to right the ionisation energy increases because

(a) value of principal quantum number increases

(b) effective nuclear charge increases

(c) atomic size increases

(d) nuclear charge increases

6. IV Period has ………. elements.

(a) 18

(b) 36

(c) 8

(d) 9

7. An element has atomic number 2. It belongs to

(a) O group 

(b) III A group

(c) VI group 

(d) II B group

8. Elements in the same vertical column has same

(a) valence shell electronic configuration

(b) electronic configuration

(c) atomic number of isotopes

(d) atomic size

9. Which of the following has the largest size?

(a) Br-

(b) I


(d) I+

10. Arrange the following set of atoms in the order of increasing atomic radius: F, CI, CO

(a) F, CI, O, C 

(b) C, O, F, CI

(c) 0, C, F, CI 

(d) F, O, C, CI

11. Which of the following atoms is paramagnetic?

(a) Zn

(b) N

(c) Ca

(d) Sr

12. Which of the following elements have maximum electronegativity?

(a) CI

(b) Br

(c) F

(d) C

13. The first atom with maximum number of delectrons is with atomic number

(a) 27

(b) 46

(c) 36

(d) 29

14. Which of the following has minimum ionisation energy?

(a) F.

(b) CI

(c) Br

(d) I

15. With the increase in atomic number in a period of the periodic table

(a) electron affinity decreases

(b) metallic character decreases

(C) ionisation energy decreases

(d) atomic mass decreases

16. The tendency towards complex formation is maximum in

(a) s-block elements

 (b) p-block elements

(c) d-block elements 

(d) None of these

17. In which of the following, the elements belong to the same period?

(a) Ca, Cr, Zn

 (b) Cr, Na, Pb

(c) H, He, F 

(d) Li, Na, K

18. The ionisation energy of nitrogen is more than that of oxygen because of

(a) the extra stability of half filled p-orbitals

(b) smaller size of the nitrogen atom

(c) more penetrating effect

(d) greater attraction of nucleus for the electrons

19. Long form of a periodic table is based upon

(a) electron affinity 

(b) atomic size

(C) atomic number

 (d) electronegativity

20. Among the following groups of elements, the one whose elements can have positive as

well as negative oxidation states are

(a) He, Li, Be 

(b) Na, Mg, AI

(c) Kr, Ne, O 

(d) H, CI, Br

Directions (s. 21-30: In each of the following questions there are two statements Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason (R) just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer:

(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

(C) If assertion is true but reason is false

(d) If assertion is false but reason is true.

21. Assertion (A): According to Mendeleef, periodic properties of elements is a function of their atomic masses.

Reason (R): Atomic number is Equal to the number of protons.

 22. Assertion (A): Atomic number of the element ununbium is 112.

Reason (R): Name for digits 1 and 2 is un-an bi respectively in latin words.

23. Assertion (A): Second period consists of 8 elements.

Reason (R): Number of elements in each period is four times the number of atomic orbitals available in the energy level that is being filled.

24. Assertion (A): Element in the same vertical column have similar properties.

Reason (R): Elements have periodic dependence upon the atomic number.

25. Assertion (A): Helium is placed in group 18 along with p-block elements.

Reason (R): It shows properties similar topblock elements.

26. Assertion (A): Chemistry of Actinoids is more complicated than Lanthanoids.

Reason (R): Actinoid elements are radioactive.

27. Assertion (A): lonization enthalpy is the energy released to remove an electron from an isolated

gaseous atom in its ground state.

Reason (R): Element has a tendency to lose or gain the electron to attain the stable configuration.

28. Assertion (A): Ionization enthalpy is always positive.

Reason (R): Energy is always released when electrons are removed.

29. Assertion (A): Second ionization enthalpy will be higher than the first ionization enthalpy.

Reason (R): Ionization enthalpy is a quantitiative measure of the tendency of an element to lose electron.

30. Assertion (A): First ionization enthalpy of boron is slightly less than that of beryllium.

Reason (R): Ionization enthalpy increases as we go across the period.

{ 21-B,22-B,23-C,24-B,25-C,26-B,27-D,28-C,29-B,30-B)

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