Prehistoric and Vedic Period Of HP History MCQ Question Answer In English

Prehistoric and Vedic Period Of HP History MCQ Question Answer In English


Prehistoric and Vedic Period Of HP History MCQ Question Answer In English

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Prehistoric and Vedic Period Of HP History MCQ Question Answer In English

 1. Which ancient tribe were related to the Sambar king who fought against the Arya king Devodas?
(A) Kinnar 
(B) Khas 
(C) Kirat
(D) Das

2. In which ancient book of India is the description of Khas?
(A) Bhagwat Puran
(B) Vayu Puran
 (C) Brihat Samhita
 (D) All of the above 

 3. “Aadumbar” (Kaushik Gotra) connects with which saint?
(A) Vashishtha 
 (B) Bhrigu 
 (C) Vishwamitra 
(D) Parashara

4. Who were the residents of Shivalik valleys in the former Vedic period?
(A) Kinnar
 (B) Arya
(C) Nagajati
(D) Dasyu 

 5. According to which mythology, “The person who thinks of the Himalayas without seeing him gets a bigger result than the worship done in Kashi.”
 (A) Shiv Purana
(B) Sakand Purana 
 (C) Vayu Purana 
(D) Garuda Purana

6. Who was the assistant of Sambar in the war with the king Devodas of Aryans?
(A) Varchi
(B) Sudas
(C) Arjun 
(D) Pradyumna

7. In Himachal Pradesh ‘Arya’ is known by whick name?
(A) Bhot
(B) Koli 
(C) Rathi
(D) Kulind 

 8. According to which religious group, Anarya tribes like Kol, Kirat, Yaksh and Naga had settled before Aryans in Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Mahabharata
(B) Rigveda
(C) Manusmriti 
(D) Yoga Vasishtha

9. Who lost in the war between the ancient Aryan kings Devodas and Sambar for 40 years?
(A) Shak 
(B) Khas
(C) Kirat
(D) Kinnar

10. In which scripture is the description of war between the King and Arya King lasted for 40 years?
(A) In Kathodpanishad
(B) In Rigveda
(C) In Atharvaveda
(D) In Hitopanishad

11. How long did the war between Devodas and Sambar described in Rigveda last?
(A) 10 years
(B) 15 years
(C) 40 years 
(D) None of these

12. Who was the chief adviser of Arya King Devodas?
(A) Rishi Bharadwaj 
 (B) Panini
(C) Kapil Muni 
(D) Megasthenes

 13. King Susharma, who fought on behalf of the An Kaurava in the war of Mahabharata, is considered the founder of an important dynasty of Himachal Pradesh. By which name is the Dynasty known?
(A) Katoch 
(B) Bhankotiva
(C) Pathania
 (D) Kathwal

14. Which Katoch dynasty king of Kangra took part in the war on behalf of Kaurvas in the battle of Mahabharata?

(A) Jagat Chandra
(B) Sachendu 
(C) Ganesh Chandra 
(D) Susharam Chandra

15. Which king of Anarya King Raja Sambar was a war with Aryan king multiple times?
(A) Duvendra
(B) Devodas 
(C) Sashank
 (D) Prithu

16. In which area did the Pandavas spend 12 years of exile?
(A) Bilaspur
(B) Sirmaur 
(C) Mahasu
(D) Kaza

17. What was the second oldest hill state of Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Trigarta
 (B) Bharmour
(C) Kutlehar 
 (D) Kullut

18. Where did the Kulind permanently reside? 
(A) Kangra
(B) Kullu
(C) Kinnaur
(D) Shimla and Sirmaur

19. What was the second inhabitant of Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Kirat
(B) Arya
(C) Mangol
(D) Khas

20. What was the third tribe that entered the northern part of Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Khas
(B) Kirat
(C) Mangol 
(D) Arya

21. Who was the oldest inhabitant of Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Kol
(B) Arya
(C) Gaddi
 (D) Khas

22. According to the famous Linguist Grierson, who were the first (former) familiar ‘Indo-Aryans’ of Himalayan territory?
(A) Khas   
(B) Naga
(C) Das
(D) Kirat

23. Which of the following ancient tribe is believed to be inhabited by the Himalayan Tarain, Ganga to Chandrabhaga, till the Guptas?
(A) Das 
 (B) Kinnar
(C) Kirat 
(D) Naag

 24. Which century Buddhist scholar Chandragomi wrote about the Aadumbar? 

 (A) Second century
(B) Third century
(C) Fifth century
(D) Seventh century 

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