Prehistorical Period Of Himachal Pradesh


 Prehistorical Period Of Himachal Pradesh

|| Prehistorical Period Of Himachal Pradesh|| Prehistorical Period Of HP||

The pre-history of Himachal Pradesh is the history of migration of people from the Central Asia and the Indian plains. The Indus Valley Civilisation is generally believed to have flourished between 3000 and 1750 BC. This civilisation covered an enormous area, from the Arabian sea to the Gangetic valley in the East, in the North and West, it spread to the whole of Punjab in the South, it covered Rajasthan and Gujarat. Outside the Indus valley, the Shiwalik hills, foothills of the Himalayas was inhabited by Munda-speaking Kolarian people. The Kols, also known as Mundas were perhaps the earliest and original migrants to the Himachal hills. The Kolis, Hali, Dums, Chanals of the Western Himalayas and Chamangs and Damags of Kinnaur and Lahaul and Spiti were the ancient races of Himachal Pradesh. According to Rig Veda, Shambara was a powerful king of the hills, who had 99 strong forts in the areas between Beas and Yamuna rivers.

 Advent of Aryans:- 

It is believed that the Aryans left their Central Asian home in search of new land and pastures for their animals. One branch of the Aryans entered Kashmir and moved forward slowly into the middle belt of the Himalayas. They conquered the native people and established colonies in the hills and valleys of Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Garhwal, Kumaon and Nepal. This branch of Aryans were known as Khashas who were Kshatriyas. They turned the Kolarian land into Khasha land. [10:33 AM, 5/30/2021] Gaurav Patyal: They used a language which was very similar to Sanskrit. When they settled permanently, they organised themselves into families and villages. Each unit elected an individual who was called Mavi or Mavana (strong man). With the passage of time, these Mavanas developed into tribal republics. 

Vedic Aryans :-

When the people of the Indus valley spread through the Gangetic plains they pushed forward Kolarian people. These people fled Northward to the Himachal valley. In the Vedas, they were regarded as Dasas, Dasyus, Nishadas, etc. In the post-vedic literature, they were mentioned as Kinnaras, Nagas and Yakshas. In the later age, some vedic saints settled in different areas of Himachal valleys viz., Rishi Jamdagni near Renuka lake in Sirmaur district, Rishi Vashishtha near the Vashishtha Kund in Manikaran of the Kullu valley, Nirmand near Parshuram, the Vyasa near Beas cave in Bilaspur.

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