Press Note Regarding The WithDrawal Of 05 Posts Of JOA IT Post Code:-939 :- HPSSC Hamirpur
||Press Note Regarding The WithDrawal Of 05 Posts Of JOA IT Post Code:-939 :- HPSSC Hamirpur||Press Note Regarding The WithDrawal Of 05 Posts Of JOA IT Post Code:-939 :- HPSSSB Hamirpur||
In continuation to the Advertisement No. 37-3/2OZt dated OL”L2.2O21 which was published in the News Papers (The Times of India and Amar Ujalal on dated 03.12.2021, Public Notice dated 07.A4.2O22 & Addendum dated t9.O4.2022 in which 300 posts of junior Office Assistant [IT) on contract basis under post code 939 were advertised as per requisitions of various Departments/Boards/Corporations alongwith the 94 posts {Gen. [UR)-33, Gen. [EWS)-12, Gen. [WFFJ-02, SC [URJ-16, SC [BPLJ-03, SC (WFF)-01, ST [UR)-02, OBC [UR)-19, OBC IBPLJ-O5, OBC (WFF)-01) of Forest Department and the detail whereof was also uploaded on the official website of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur” Now out of these 94 posts, 05 posts {Gen. (UR)-01, SC (UR)-03, OBC (UR)-01) have been withdrawn by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), vide letter No. Ft.1,5-437 /201,9(Yol-lJ[E-lllJ dated 26.05.2022 due to reasons and it is for the information of all concerned that the revised break-up of posts of Forest Department may be read as Gen. (UR)-32, Gen. [EWS)-12, Gen” (WFF)-02, SC (UR)-13, sc (BPL)-03, SC (WFF)-01, ST (UR)-02, OBC (UR)-18, OBC (BPL)-05, OBC [WFF)-01 (Total 89). Further. the number of posts of iunior Office Assistant [IT), Post Code 939 have been decreased to 295.