Primary & Elementary School Child Development Question Answer In English:-If you are preparing for any HPTET & HPTGT paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Primary & Elementary School Child Development Question Answer In English. Check our website daily to see other parts.
Primary & Elementary School Child Development Question Answer In English For TET & TGT Exam:
1. Development of child/human begins
(a) From pregnancy
(b) From infancy
(c) From early childhood
(d) Post childhood
2. Human development is divided into these areas-
(a) Emotional, Cognitive, Spiritual and Sociopsychological
(b) Psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical
(c) Physical, spiritual, cognitive and social
(d) Physical, cognitive, emotional and social
3. An important concept in understanding moral development is inclusion, who said?
(a) Kohlberg
(b) Sigmund Freud
(c) Martin Hoffman
(d) None of these
4. At which stage of child development the attraction of the child towards the opposite sex becomes more?
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood
5.Which of the following is not a principle of development?
(a) Principle of specific to general acts
(b) Principle of Continuity
(c) Principle of Variation
(d) Principle of Integration
6. According to Piaget, at which stage of cognitive development does a child exhibit ‘object performance’?
(a) Formal Operational Step
(b) Sensory phase
(c) Pre-operational stage
(d) Concrete Operational Stage
7. Four specific stages of child’s intellectual development have been propounded, by:
(a) By Kohlberg
(b) By Erikson
(c) By Skinner
(d) by Piaget
8. At which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer group?
(a) Adolescence
(b) Adulthood
(c) Infancy
(d) Childhood
9. The important descriptive factors that make up the development include all but which of the following?
(a) Culture
(b) Quality of Education
(c) Bodybuilding
(d) Nutritional quality
10,“Development is a continuous process”, this idea is related to
(a) Principle of interrelationship
(b) Principle of Continuity
(c) Principle of Integration
(d) Principle of interaction
11.What is the important stage of language development of children?
(a) Ininfancy
(b) In childhood
(c) Inadolescence
(d) In adulthood
12.According to Albert Bandura
(a) Fear of punishment is the key to positive moral development.
(b) Good education is the key to positive moral development.
(c) Self-regulation is the key to positive moral development
(d) Abstract reasoning is the key to positive moral development.
13.The direction of development of a child from head to toe is called.
(a) Cephalo-caudal
(b) Near to far
(c) Caudo-Cephalic
(d) Far from near
14.Early child care and education is called:
(b) ECCE
(c) MDMS
(d) DIET
15.“Adolescence is a period of great conflict, tension, storm and opposition.” This statement is by:
(a) Rumsfeld
(b) E.A. Kilpatrick
(c) Simpson’s
(d) Stanley Hall’s
16.Childhood has been called a ‘unique period of emotional development’. Who has given this statement?
(a) EL Thorndike
(b) JB Watson
(c) B.F. Skinner
(d) Cole and Bruce
17.A stage of rapid physical development is considered to be
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood
18.The meaning of puberty is related to which stage?
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood
19.Development is related to…
(a) Quantitative
(b) Qualitative
(c) Affective
(d) All of these
20.Human development is based on certain principles. Which of the following is not a principle of human development?
(a) Serialized
(b) general to special
(c) Reflexive
(d) Continuity
21.Systematic demonstration related to development of concepts is based on which of the following principles?
(a) Development leads to progress.
(b) Development moves from subordination to autonomy.
(c) Children develop at different pace.
(d) Development is relatively systematic.
22. Bloom’s classification is categorical organization of
(a) Achievement target
(b) Curriculam
(c) Reading skills
(d) Cognitive Objectives
23.What is Day Care?
(a) Child care process
(b) Residential Centre for Children
(c) The process of children’s learning
(d) Residential Centre for Infants (0-10 Years)
24.Characteristics are passed from one generation to the next through ………….
(a) Heredity
(b) Genes
(c) Environment
(d) Chromosomes
25. The traditional role of the sexes refers to
(a) The man goes out to work and the woman takes care of the house.
(b) The man takes care of the house, and the woman does the work.
(c) Both men and women go to work.
(d) None of these
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