Question Answer of The Week-August 3rd Week 2022


  Question  Answer of The Week-August 3rd Week  2022

|| Question  Answer of The Week-August 3rd Week  2022|| Dusshera of *kullu*||kullu dusshera||

Question:-In his recent ‘Mann ki Baat’ address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked about the importance of fairs in Indian culture and how they play a crucial role in keeping the tradition of the country alive. Is any such fair organised in your region and if yes, what is its speciality and significance? 

By:- VANSHIKA SOOD Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)

Dusshera of *kullu* which is International Fair also. Started by Raja Jagat Singh of kullu in 1661. In 1660 Raghunath Mandir with idol of Raghunath g was Established in Sultanpur (earlier kept in manikaran). It is fair of *kullu* mainly celebrated in the month of Sep-oct (7 main days of fair with several deities). Hidimba Mata Rani (considered as main goddess of Raja family) does stay for sometime in Ramshilla temple of Hanuman g and from further their on the first day of Dusshera proceeds with year-round predictions of happenings. With all deities on first day they all see and greet each other (as they all meet each other approximately after year) then further with the idol of Raghunath g which is kept on Rath (the Rath being heavy is pulled by several people ) with deities accompany them to do Ravan Dahan….and after this all deities dance,enjoys the fair fully with religious environment all around. And with this several religious and other functions are also held in Lal Chand Pararthi Kalakendra in Dhalpur.. And on last day all gods meet and greet all other to meet next day with this traditional way the celebration of Dusshera finishes with lot of amusement.. 

By:- VANSHIKA SOOD Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)

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