Recommendation Made From the Waiting Panel Language Teacher (Post Code-814) :- HPSSC Hamirpur
|| Recommendation Made From the Waiting Panel Language Teacher (Post Code-814) :- HPSSC Hamirpur|| Recommendation Made From the Waiting Panel LT (Post Code-814) :- HPSSSB Hamirpur||
As per the approval of the Commission, the name of the next 01 candidate {Gen (EWS)-01} for the post of Language Teacher (Post Code-814) on contract basis from the waiting panel are hereby notified for further recommendation as under:-
01 post of Gen (UR) category has been kept vacant keeping in view the directions passed by Hon’ble High Court in CWP No. 2739 of 2022 on dated 10.05.2022. The recommendation be sent to the Chief Engineer (OP) North, HPSEBL, Dharamshala, vide letter No. 200117/JE(E)/Recruitment /SK/2022-5546-48 dated 22.06.2022, accordingly.
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