Sample Paper for the Post Of clerk -HPU Shimla(Part-1)


Sample Paper for the Post Of clerk -HPU Shimla

Sample Paper for the Post Of clerk -HPU Shimla

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Sample Paper for the Post Of clerk -HPU Shimla
Sample Paper for the Post Of clerk -HPU Shimla

Syllabus For the Post Of Clerk 2020:- Click Here
Q_1. . . . . dog is . . . faithful animal.

  1. a,a
  2. the,a
  3. a,the
  4. the,the

    Q_2. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
    1. Pedantic
    2. Verbose
    3. Pompous
    4. Ornate

      Q_3.Our flight from Amsterdam tlo London was delyed __ the heavy fog.
      1. because of
      2. because
      3. on account
      4. as result
        Answer:-because of

        Q_4. Antonym of – entice
        1. authorise
        2. baffle
        3. repulse
        4. misplace

          Q_5. His teacher begged him to __ more of an effort in class.
          1. make
          2. do
          3. made
          4. did

            Q_6. Bad student never….hard
            1. work
            2. workes
            3. worker
            4. working

              Q_7. Choose the correct meaning of proverbidiom

              1. To leave someone in the lurch
              2. To come to compromise with someone Constant source of annoyance to someone
              3. To put someone at ease
              4. To desert someone in his difficulties
                Answer:-To desert someone in his difficulties

                Q_8.Choose the correct question tag from the alternatives:
                You need to go now.
                1. need you?
                2. need not you?
                3. do not you?
                4. did not you?
                  Answer:-do not you?
                  Q_9. Didn t I give you . . . money yesterday? I feel certain I did.
                  1. some
                  2. enought
                  3. any
                  4. much

                  Q_10.Find out which part of sentence has an error.
                  He is residing here since 1983.
                  1. he is
                  2. residing here
                  3. since 1983
                  4. no error
                    Answer:-he is

                    HPU SHIMLA CLERK EXAM TEST SERIES 2020 ( TOTAL TEST -10) :- BUY NOW*Note:- Both In Hindi or English Language*

                    Q_11. Find the correctly spelt words.
                    1. Pessenger
                    2. Passenger
                    3. Pasanger
                    4. Pesanger

                      Q_12. Four alternatives are given for the IdiomPhrase bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given IdiomPhrase.
                      As the bomb exploded people ran HELTER -SKELTER
                      1. in great fear
                      2. in disorderly haste
                      3. in haste
                      4. in great sorrow
                        Answer:-in disorderly haste

                        Q_13. He said to me, what are you doing ?
                        1. He asked me what I was doing.
                        2. He asked me that what I was doing.
                        3. He told me what I was doing.
                        4. He told me what was I doing?
                          Answer:-He asked me what I was doing.

                          Q_14. I …………. go to Mumbai even if it rains.
                          1. shall
                          2. should
                          3. may
                          4. will

                          Q_15. I………… rather fail than adopt unfair means.
                          1. should
                          2. will
                          3. would
                          4. could
                          Q_16. In questions, choose the word opposite meaning in to the given word.
                          1. avoided
                          2. enriched
                          3. faced
                          4. overcome

                          Q_17. In Rajasthan we usually……rain in July.
                          1. has
                          2. are
                          3. have
                          4. in

                          Q_18. In the following question, a part of the sentence is given in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (d).
                          Ravi has been demanding a lot more marks, DOES NOT HE ?
                          1. has not he ?
                          2. Is not he ?
                          3. is not it ?
                          4. No improvement
                          Answer:-has not he ?

                          Q_19. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for  the  given sentence.
                          The study of maps –
                          1. Cartography
                          2. Geography
                          3. Geology
                          4. Atlas

                          Q_20. Opening a conversation and bringing it to an end are essential parts of our __
                          1. day language
                          2. everyday language
                          3. language everyday
                          4. language day
                          Answer:-everyday language

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                          HPU SHIMLA CLERK EXAM TEST SERIES 2020 ( TOTAL TEST -10) :- BUY NOW*Note:- Both In Hindi or English Language*

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