SIHM Dharamshala Principal Recruitment 2023

SIHM Dharamshala Principal Recruitment 2023


SIHM Dharamshala Principal Recruitment 2023:-Applications are invited on the prescribed application form for consolidated recruitment to the following post for a period of 6 months in the State Institute of Hotel Management, Dharamshala, H.P.

SIHM Dharamshala Principal Recruitment 2023 Overview:-

Recruitment BoardState Institute of Hotel Management, Dharamshala, H.P.
Post Name Principal
No. Of Posts01(UR)
नई जॉब्स की जानकारी के लिए Himexam का टेलीग्राम ग्रुप Join करें। Himexam
Category SIHM Dharamshala Jobs 2023
Advertisment Date 06 December 2023
Last Date26 December 2023
Selection ProcessWritten,Interview & Document Verification

Please visit for application form, eligibility criteria and other related information. Eligible candidates are required to apply on the prescribed application form. Candidates applying for the posts are required to fumish a Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- in favour of the Principal, SIHM, Dharamshala payable at Dharamshala and must reach on or before 26th December, 2023 (05:00 PM) alongwith all other documents. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates called for interview. The competent authority reserves the right to accept/reject any or all application(s) and fill or not to fill or to re-advertise the vacancy without assigning any reason.

Age Limit:-

Not exceeding 53 years for general category as on 01-12-2023. Age relaxation for other categories and employees working in autonomous bodiesundertheMinistry of Tourism will be applicable as per Government norms.

Essential & Desirable Education Qualification

Post Graduation from recognized university (Central/State/Deemed to be/ AIUequivalentPGfrom foreign institution) And(+) Full Time Degree/Full Time three years Diploma in Hotel Administration/ HospitalityManagement/ Hotel Management/ Hospitality Administration/ Culinary Arts/CulinarySciencewith minimum of 55% marks in aggregate of its equivalent grade from: (i) NCHMCT OR NCHMCT affiliated institute. OR (ii) An institute approved by AICTE. OR (iii) An institute approved by the State Board of Technical Education. OR(iv) An Institute affiliated to University duly recognized by UGC. OR(v) Central/State/Deemed to be University recognized by UGC. OR(vi) Equivalent degree/ diploma of foreign university/ institution recognized byAIU. Desirable Qualification : PhD Degree

Two year full time Post Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma in Management/ Tourismfrom a recognized University under UGC or approved by AICTE/ Equivalent degree/diplomaof foreign university/institution recognized by AIU with minimumof 60%marks inaggregateor its equivalent grade. Desirable Qualification : PhD Degree

Essential Work Experience

In addition to essential educational Qualification, at least 20 years (twenty years) of experiencein: (i) Teaching (20 years) with minimum 3 years as Head of Department /equivalent teachinginan Institute of Hotel Management affiliated with NCHMCT OR institute approvedbyAICTEOR institute approved by the State Board of Technical Education ORinstituteaffiliatedtouniversity, recognized by UGC OR Central/ State/ Deemed to be UniversityrecognizedbyUGC OR Equivalent degree/ diploma of foreign university/ institution recognizedbyAIUandpossessing at least 3 years of administrative experience within the minimumtotal experienceof20 years. Experience as Principal of recognized Food & Craft Institute will betreatedatparwith HoD. OR (ii) Teaching & Hotel Industry together (20 years) with minimum3 years teachingexperiencein an institute as mentioned above in (i) with 5 years experience in GMlevel inaMinistryofTourism certified 4* or above category hotel.

(i) For Private Sector: Candidates with proven track record with at least 17yearsofexperience from reputed organization in executive capacity in hospitality/tourismindustryplus with minimum 3 years teaching/training experience shall also be essential (total20years), out of which minimum 7 years should be in managerial experience (out ofwhichatleast 5 years as GM) in private sector companies/firms having turnover of not lessthanRs.100crore per annum in each of the last three years.OR (ii) For Government / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies : (a) Officers should have at least 20 years of working experience with demonstratedcapabilityincluding minimum three years teaching/training experience. (b) Holding the post in the pay level 13 or its equivalent in PSUs/ Autonomous BodiesORMinimum 5 years experience in pay level 12 or its equivalent in PSUs/AutonomousBodies

General Terms and Conditions:

1. Eligible candidates are required to apply on the prescribed application form. The duly filled applicationformalongwith all required self-attested testimonials must reach in the O/o Principal, State Institute of Hotel Management,Dharamshala VPO. Khaniara Tehsil & Disttt. Kangra HP – 176215 latest by 26 th December 2023.
2. Persons already in employment should apply through proper channel and applications must beattachedwithcopies of last five years ACRs and a certificate from the employer that “No vigilance/ disciplinarycaseeitherpending or contemplated against the applicant”.
3. NOC also required to be produced from the present employer at the time of Interview.
4. Please super scribe: “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL” on top of the envelope.
5. Incomplete or applications received late or received through email shall not be entertained. Institutewill notberesponsible for any postal delay.
6. The competent authority reserves the right to reject/accept any application and fill or not fill or tore-advertisethevacancy without assigning any reason.
7. No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates called for interview.

Important Link:-

SIHM Dharamshala Principal Short Notice 2023CLICK HERE
SIHM Dharamshala Principal Notification 2023CLICK HERE
SIHM Dharamshala Principal Application Form 2023CLICK HERE

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