Silk MCQ Question Answer

Silk MCQ Question Answer


Silk MCQ Question Answer

Silk MCQ Question Answer:-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Silk MCQ Question Answer In English. Check our website daily to see other parts.

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Silk MCQ Question Answer

1. Which of the following pair is correctly matched? 
(A) Eri-silk – Assam
(B) Moonga silk – Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Mulburry silk – Jharkhand
(D) Tussar silk – Karnataka

2. Moonga is such a variety of silk which is obtained in the world only from India in 
(A) Assam
(B) Bihar
(C) Karnataka
(D) Tamil Nadu

3. Which state is the largest ‘silk’ producing state?
(A) Bihar
(B) Chhattisgarh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Assam 

4. More than three-fourth of India’s production of raw silk comes from
(A) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
(B) Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal
(C) Karnataka and Assam
(D) West Bengal and Manipur

5. The discovery of Oak flora in 1966 added a new chapter to the history of Indian Sericulture. Which one of the following states is the leading producer of Oak tussar silk? 
(A) Assam
(B) Bihar
(C) Manipur
(D) Orissa

6. Which of the following states of India is the largest producer of Silk Textiles? 
(A) Karnataka
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) West Bengal

7. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below. 
1. Karnataka is the largest producer of raw silk in India.
2. Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of mulburry silk in India.
3. Jharkhand is the largest producer of Tussar silk in India.
4. Meghalaya is the largest producer of Eri silk in India.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 1 and 3
(D) Only 2 and 4

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