Solved Child Psychology Question Asked In HPTET Arts Paper 2022


Solved Child Psychology Question Asked In HPTET Arts Paper 2022

||Solved Child Psychology Question Asked In HPTET Arts Paper 2022||Solved Child Psychology Question Asked In HPTET Arts Question Paper 2022||

1. 16-PFis used for measurement of ___

(A) Creativity

(B) Interest

(C) Personality

(D) Motivation

  2. Who developed “Thematic Apperception Test” (T.A.T.) ?

(A) Murray

(B) Morgan

 (C) Edward

 (D) Murray and Morgan

3. The capability of understanding and discriminating the feelings  and emotions of oneself and  others is called –

 (A) Practical Intelligence

(B) Emotional Intelligence

(C) Spiritual Intelligence

(D) None of these

4.”Drive theory” is related with –

(A) Learning

(B) Intelligence

(C) Motivation

(D) Personality

5.Which factor is important in human development ? 

(A) Heredity

(B) Environment

(C) Heredity and Environment

(D) None of these

6.Mental structure that guides social (and other) cognition is called –

(A) Impression

(B) Prejudice

(C) Schema

(D) None of these

7.Prejudgment usually a negative attitude that is unverified is called-
(A) Wrong judgement
(B) Negative judgement
(C) Prejudice
(D) None of the above

8.Which of the following methods helps to study children with special needs ?
(A) Introspection method
(B) Interview method
(C) Experimental method
(D) Case-study method

9. Child’s tendency to respond similarly to stimuli that are similar to conditioned stimulus is –

(A) Readiness

(B) Acquisition

(C) Generalisation

(D) Discrimination

10.Correct formula to Calculate IQ. is
Answer:- M.A/C.A X 100

11.Students of disadvantaged groups  Should be taught along with the 
 normal students. It implies –
(A) Special Education
(B) Integrated Education
(C) Exclusive Education
(D) Inclusive Education

12.Who used the word ‘Intelligence Quotient’ (I.Q.) First ?

(A) Terman

(B) Hull

(C) Allport

(D) Stern

13.Meaning of Gestalt is 
(A) As a whole
(B) As a change
(C) As a behaviour
(D) As a machine

14.The conditioned Stimulus in Pavlov’s conditioning is –
(A) Bell
(B) Food
(C) Saliva
(D) None of the above

15.Filling new information into existing schemes is known as –
(A) Equilibration
(B) Assimilation
(C) Organisation
(D) Accommodation

16.Which of the following is not a symptom of a good memory ?

(A) Rapidity
(B) Average retention
(C) Accuracy
(D) Recall of right material at right time

17. Who stated that ‘Psychology is the Positive Science of Conduct of living Creatures’?

(A) Sir William McDougall

(B) Sir Francis Galton

(C) Max Wertheimer

(D) William James

18. Which of the following is not a type of positive transfer of learning?
(A) Lateral Transfer
(B) Sequential Transfer
(C) Horizontal Transfer
(D) Zero Transfer

19.Which of the following is not a type of ‘Psychophysical Method of study of ‘Educational Psychology’?
(A) The method of minimal changes or method of limits
(B) The method of constant stimuli
(C) The method of average or mean error
(D) The method of Modifying the individual attitude

20. ‘Electra Complex’ was proposed by-
(A) Carl Jung
(B) Skinner
(C) Eysenck
(D) All of the above

21.Which of the following is most essential component of experimental method ?
(A) Matching of subjects
(B) Observation of behaviour
(C) Controlled Conditions
(D) Study of behaviour

22.Which method is not a Projective method for Personality measurement ?
(A) TAT.
(B) Rorschach Ink blot Test
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Sentence Completion Test

23. Who propagated two factor theory of personality ?
(A) Allport
(B) Cattell
(C) Spearman
(D) Eysenck

24. Which of these is not a type of long term memory ?
(A) Declarative Memory
(B) Working Memory
(c) Episodic Memory
 (D) Semantic Memory

25. Who developed Psychoanalysis?
(A) John B. Watson 
(B) Binet
(C) Sigmund Freud
 (D) Carl Rogers

26.Who propounded the theory of “Trial and Error” ?
(A) Skinner
(B) Gestalt
(C) Pavlov
(D) Thorndike

27.Which one of these is first phase of creative thinking ?
(A) Incubation
(B) Illumination
(C) Preparation’
(D) None of the above

28.Which one of the following is an emotion ?
(A) Memory
(B) Fear
(C) Attention
(D) Stimulus

29. Which one of the following can be considered as a contribution of Kohlberg’s theory ?

(A) His theory has supported an association between cognitive maturity and moral maturity.

(B) The theory has elaborate testing procedures.

(C) It establishes a  clear relationship between moral reasoning and action.

(D) His belief is that children are moral philosophers.

30. Who classified Introverts and Extrovert personality ?
(A) Jung
(B) Trotter
(C) Thorndike
(D) None of these

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