Solved GK Question Asked In HPTET NM Paper June 2024

Solved GK Question Asked In HPTET NM Paper June 2024


Solved GK Question Asked In HPTET NM Paper June 2024

HPTET Non Medical Question Paper Held On 23 June 2024:-You can find previous year question papers for the HPTET NM examination on the official website of the HPBOSE or from various other sources. Here’s how you can access these papers:

Solved GK Question Asked In HPTET NM Paper June 2024

1. ‘Dandaras’ is famous dance of which district?
 (A) Chamba
(B) Mandi
(C) Kullu

2. Under the Chief Minister Widow and Single Women Housing Scheme, H.P. Govt. will provide how much financial assistance to the widows and single women for constructing Houses?
(A) 1.50 Lakh 
(B) 2.50 Lakh
(C).3.50 Lakh
(D) None of the above

3. Who is at Present the Education Minister of Himachal Pradesh?
 (A) Jagat Singh Negi 
(B)Rohit Thakur
(C) Harshwardhan Chauhan
(D) – None of the above

4. Which scheme has been started by the Himachal Pradesh Government from financial year 2023-24 to promote integrated and holistic agriculture activities in the state?
 (A) Him-Vikas Yojna
(B) Him-Prayas Yojna
(C) Him Unnati Yojna
(D) None of the above

5. Who is at present Chief of Defence Staff of India?
 (A) General Bipin Rawat
 (B) General Manoj Pandey
(C) General Anil Chauhan
(D) None of the above

6. What is the Motto of ‘National Service Scheme’ (NSS)?
(A) Not You, But I
(B) You First
(C) Country First
(D). Not Me, But You

7. Where is the headquarter of World Trade Organisation’ (WTO)?
(A) Washington
 (B) Geneva
(C) New York
(D) Lisbon

8. Which of the following port is situated in the eastern coastal part of India?
(A) Mormugno
(B) Paradip
 (d) Cochin

9. ‘Bhai Do, Na Pai Do’ movement was extension of which national movement?
 (A) Non-Cooperation Movement
(B) Swadeshi Movement
(C) Quit India Movement
 (D) Civil Disobedience Movement

10. What is the Vedic name of Ravi river?
(A) Vipasha
(B) Parushni
 (C) Chandra Bhaga
 (D) None of the above

11. Indian National Motto ‘Satyameva Jayate’ has been taken from which Upanishad?
(A) Chandogya Upanishad
(B) Mundaka Upanishad .
(C) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
 (D) Kathopanishad

12. Who was the first Viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Clive
(b) Warren Hastings
(C) Lord William Bentinck
 (D) Lord Canning

13. Who is the current Chief Minister of Meghalaya?
 (A) Mukul Sangma
(B) Conrad Sangma
(C) P.A. Sangma
(D) None of the above

14. Common currency of European Union is –
(A) Yen
 (B) Pound
(C) Euro
(D) Ruble

15. What is the name of rover of Chandrayaan-3?
(A) Vikram
 (B) Pragyan
 (C) Bharat
 (D) Bhaskar

16. ‘Shigri Glacier’ is located in which district of Himachal Pradesh?
 (A) Lahaul Spiti
(C) Kinnaur
 (D) Kullu

17. Who address Baba Kanshi Ram as ‘Paharan Da Bulbul’?
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sarojini Naidu
(D) Rabindranath Tagore

18. ‘Lippa Asrang’ sanctuary is situated in which district of Himachal Pradesh? –
(A) Lahaul Spiti
 (B) Chamba
(C) Kullu
(D) Kinnaur

19. Which of the following is related to ‘Apis Mellifera’?
 (A) Honey Bee
 (B) House Fly
 (C), Mosquito
 (D) Sheep

20. When were Kangra and hill areas of Punjab merged in Himachal Pradesh?
 (A) 15 April 1948
(B) 15 July 1954
(C) 18 December 1970
 (D) 01 November 1966

21. When was Women’s Reservation Bill-Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam passed in the parliament?
 (A) 10 September 2023
(B) 11 August 2023
 (C) 21 September 2023
 (D) 6 September 2023

22.when was article 370 abrogated ??
(A) 01-02, August 2019
(B) 05-06, August 2019
(C) 10-11, August 2019
(D) None of the above 

23. Who is the Ex-officio chairman of ‘Niti Aayog”?
 (A) President
 (B) Prime Minister
 (C) Vice President
 (D) Home Minister

24. When was the ’18TH Summit’ of ‘G-20’ countries held in New Delhi?
 (A) 09-10 September 2023
(B) 10-11, September 2023
 (C) 19-20, September 2023
D) 05-06, September 2023

25. When was the ‘Objective Resolution’ introduced in Indian Constituent Assembly?
(A) 13 December 1946
(B) 09 September 1946
 (C) 11 December 1946
 (D) 13 September 1946

26. Who was the founder of ‘Young Italy’ organisation?
(A) Mazzini
 (B) Garibaldi
(C) Bern
(D) Napoleon

27. How many languages of India have been kept in the eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution? 
 (A) 8 Languages
(B) 12 Languages
 (C) 22 Languages
(D) 26 Languages

28. Who is the ‘Nodal Officer’ for Natural Disaster in India?
 (A) Prime Minister
(C)Head of Military
(D) The Central Relief Commissioner in the Ministry of Home Affairs (C.R.C.)

 29. Where is the headquarters of ‘International Court of Justice”?
(A) New York
(B) London
(C) Hague
(D) Paris

30. Which of the following is not a official language of “United Nations Organization’ (UNO)? 
 (A) Hindi
 (B) Chinese
 (C) Arabic
 (D) Spanish

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