Solved GK Question Asked in IIM Sirmaur JOA Exam 2022


 Solved GK Question Asked in IIM Sirmaur JOA Exam 2022

|| Solved GK Question Asked in IIM Sirmaur JOA Exam 2022|| Solved GK Question Asked in IIM Sirmaur Junior Office Assistant  Exam 2022||

1. The land of “Rising Sun” is: 

A. Indonesia 

B. Vietnam 

C. China 

D. Japan 

2. The longest river in the world is 

A. Ganga 

B. Nile 

C. Amazon

 D. Mississippi 

3. New Zealand lies in which continent? 

A. Asia 

B. Africa 

C. Europe 

D. Australia 

4. The presence of moisture in the air is called: 

A. precipitation 

B. humidity 

C. fog 

D. mist 

5. A mass of land ice that has broken away from its parent formation and has moved out to sea is called: 

A. avalanche 

B. iceberg 

C. icecap 

D. glacier 

6. The imaginary line drawn around the earth midway between the poles is called: 

A. Equator 

B. Meridian 

C. Tropic of Capricorn 

D. Prime Meridian 

7. A body which moves around a planet is called: 

A. Comet 

B. Satellite 

C. Meteor 

 D. none of these 

8. Which vitamin is abundant in carrots? 

A. Vitamin B12 

B. vitamin B

 C. vitamin C

 D. none of these 

9. Which country is called the “Sugar Bowl” of the world? 

A. Cuba 

B. Panama 

C. France 

D. Germany 

10. India is the biggest______________producing country in the world. 

A. Coffee 

B. tea 

C. rice

 D. cotton

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