Solved Previous Paper Staff Nurse 2012-HPSSSB Hamirpur
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Solved Previous Paper Staff Nurse 2012-HPSSSB Hamirpur |
Ques:- Total loss of speech is termed as
Ans:- Aphonia
Ques:- Deficiency of calcium in blood may lead to
Ans:- Tetany
Ques:- Biological Death occure after how much time of cardiac arrest ?
Ans:- 10 minutes
Ques:- Blood clot contains………………………
Ans:- Blood cells and fibrin
Ques:- Contraction of blood vessels is called
Ans;- Serotonin
Ques:- Skin is waterproof due to
Ans:- Keratin
Ques:- Exact meaning of Anaemia is
Ans:- Deficiency of blood
Ques:- Function of pancreas is
Ans:- To help in digestion , to secrete insulin hormone
Ques:- Colour of single Red Blood Cell is
Ans:- Yellow
Ques:- Vomiting centre of body is………………
Ans:- Medulla oblongata
Ques:- Which organ is called heat regulating centre of body ?
Ans:- Hypothalamus
Ques:- Psychoanalysis includes all of these except………………
Ans:- De-association, Analysis of transference, Exploring expressed thoughts
Ques:- Out of total body weight, the amount of blood is
Ans:- 1/12th
Ques:- Time taken by the digested food to reach small intestine is……………
Ans:- 4 hours
Ques:- Normal amount of saliva secreted per day is …………….
Ans:- 3 litres
Ques:- Quantity of food stored in stomach is……………..
Ans:- 1.5 litres
Ques:- The bone in the body that is not in connection with another bone is ………………
Ans:- Hyoid bone
Ques:- Stomach produces how much amount of gastric juice per day ?
Ans:- 1.5 litres
Ques:- Which is thew largest organ of the digestive system ?
Ans:- Small intestine
Ques:- Hair grows at a rate of ………………
Ans:- 0.5 mm/day
Ques:- Cenophobia is a type of phobia due to………………..
Ans:- Open space
Ques:- Which vein should be used for PN (Parenteral nutritia) ?
Ans:- Subclavian vein
Ques:- ‘Tetany’ can be produced by which of the following electrolyte
disturbance ?
Ans:- Hypocalcemia
Ques:- “Klebs Loeffler bacillus” is the name of which of the following bacteria ?
Ans:- Corynebacterium diphtheria
Ques:- Which of the following is not a species of Plasmodium parasite ?
Ans:- Plasmodium mexicana
Ques:- Life cycle of malarial parasite was first described by
Ans:- Ronald Ross
Ques:- Which of the following is recommended along with intravenous of Quinine Sulphate for treatment of melaria ?
Ans:- Glucose
Ques:- “MMR vaccine” provides protection against all of the following diseases except
Ans:- Meningococcal meningitis
Ques:- HIV virus belongs to which of the following groups ?
Ans:- Retro virus
Ques:- Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by airborne droplets ?
Ans:- Polio myelitis
Ques:- Which infecting serotype of dengue virus is most dangerous ?
Ans:- Type – 2
Ques:- According to national immunization schedule, immunization for how many disease is done in infants ?
Ans:- 7
Ques:- The diagnosis investigation for typhoid fever is
Ans:- Widal Test
Ques:- At which point pain occur in appendicitis ?
Ans:- Mc Burney’s point
Ques:- Which drug should be avoided in peptic ulcer ?
Ans:- Ibuorofen
Ques:- In which condition paradoxical respiration occurs ?
Ans:- Flail Chest
Ques:- Which is the antidote for heparin ?
Ans:- Protamine sulfate
Ques:- “Hospice” is the treatment concept for :-
Ans:- Terminally ill cancer patients, Cardiac patients, Potassium chloride
Ques:- “Powerhouse” of the human cell is ;
Ans:- Mitochondria
Ques:- Transformation of one type of cell into another type is called
Ans:- Metaplasia
Ques:- “Sinoatrial node” is located in which part of the heart ?
Ans:- Right atrium
Ques:- The number of thoracic vertebrae in human being is :
Ans:- 12
Ques:- Blood groups were first discovered by
Ans:- Karl Landsteiner
Ques:- Normal platelet count in human being is :
Ans:- 100000 – 400000
Ques:- Tissue reaction is highest with which of the following suturing materials ?
Ans:- Chromic catgut
Ques:- Patient is at risk to develop the vitamin deficiency in chronic gastritis :
Ans:- Vitamin B12
Ques:- Which is the symptom of the duodenal ulcer ?
Ans:- Pain is relieved by food intake
Ques:- Muscle wasting disease is
Ans:- TB
Ques:- The vaccine of Rabies comes under
Ans:- Inactivated or killed vaccines
Ques:- The vaccine DPT stands for
Ans:- Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
Ques:- The of Measles of Measles vaccine at the time of
Ans:- 9 months
Ques:- National Tuberculosis Programme launched in the year
Ans:- 1985
Ques:- How many tablets are recommended by WHO for presumptive treatment of the malaria ?
Ans:- 4 Tablets
Ques:- In the following diseases, the longest incubation period is for
Ans:- Mumps
Ques:- Vaccines in PHC are preserved in
Ans:- Cold Box
Ques:- Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by
Ans:- Hook worm
Ques:- Which vaccine is not included in National Immunization Schedule ?
Ans:- Typhoid
Ques:- To treat anaemia………… given along with iron preparation.
Ans:-Vitamin C
Ques:- Chemical which is used for purification of water is
Ans:- Potassium Nitrate
Ques:- Who is the father of Indian Surgery ?
Ans:- Susruta
Ques:- “MMR” vaccine is given on
Ans:- 20th month]
Ques:- When the multipurpose worker scheme was launched ?
Ans:- 1974
Ques:- When the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched ?
Ans;- 5th March ,2005
Ques:- ‘MMR’ vaccine means
Ans:- Mumps, Measles and Rubella
Ques:- PAP Test should be advised for –
Ans:- Cervical cancer
Ques:- Gastric lavage tube is used for
Ans;- Removal of toxic substances from the stomach
Ques:- In which procedure lithotomy position can be provided ?
Ans:- Perineal and vaginal surgery
Ques:- Which disorder is treated by the platelets ?
Ans:- Thrombocytopenia
Ques:- High residue or high fibre diet should be given except one
Ans:- Hypertension
Ques:- Which food item should be avoided in gout ?
Ans:- Liver
Ques:- Maximum duration of suctioning at one time is
Ans:- 10 seconds
Ques:- Insensible fluid loss commonly occur through
Ans:- Skin
Ques:- In order to lower the melting point of ice what should be added ?
Ans:- Salt
Ques:- Foe collection of a specimen of urine it should be :
Ans:- Early morning specimen
Ques:- If a wrong medicine is given
Ans:- Inform physician
Ques:- Oral iron preparations should be given
Ans:- In between the meal
Ques:- If a nurse observes signs and symptoms of blood transfusion reaction, she should
Ans:- Stop the blood transfusion and inform to physician
Ques:- The method of taking temperature of an unconscious patient is by :
Ans:- Axilla
Ques:- Soap and water enema is a form of :
Ans:- Cleansing enema
Ques:- Which of the following programme launched in 1995 in India ?
Ans:- Pulse Polio Immunization Programme
Ques:- Which of the following vaccine prepared to protect from Tuberculosis ?
Ans:- BCG
Ques:- What is ASHA?
Ans:- Accredited Social Health Activist
Ques:- When the Janani Suraksha Yojna was launched ?
Ans:- 12 April, 2005
Ques:- How many population is covered by a Community Health Centre (CHC) ?
Ans:- 50000 to 80000
Ques:- How much population is covered by a subcentra ?
Ans:- 5000
Ques:- In which year the Indian Red Cross Society was established ?
Ans:- 1920
Ques:- When the village Health Guide was introduced ?
Ans:- 2nd October , 1977
Ques:- What is disinfection process ?
Ans:- Destroying micro-organisms excluding spores
Ques:- Mortality rate means
Ans:- Crude death rate
Ques:- Case control study is also known as
Ans:- Retrospective studies
Ques:- Vitamin A is given at
Ans:- 9th month, 18th month, 24th month, 30th month and 36th month
Ques:- Eligible couple means
Ans:- Currently married couple wherein the wife is in the reproductive age i.e. 15 to 45 years.
Ques:- What are natural methods of family planning ?
Ans:- Safe period, Breast feeding
Ques:- Secretion from mother’s breast following delivery is called
Ans:- Sequestrum
Ques:- When UIP (Universal Immunization Programme) was launched ?
Ans:- November, 1985
Ques:- What is the interval between 1st and 2nd dose of DPT and OPV ?
Ans:- Not less than one month
Ques:- Switching from mother’s breast milk to normal feeding in infants is called
Ans:- Weaning
Ques:- During pregnancy,deficiency of which of the following leads to neural tube defects ?
Ans:- Folic Acid
Ques:- During which stage of labour, placenta is delivered ?
Ans:- 3rd
Ques:- After delivery, which of the following medicines can be used to suppress lactation ?
Ans:- Bromocriptine
Ques:- In premature labour, which of the following medicines is used for the newborn ?
Ans:- Dexamethasone
Ques:- Most widely used contraceptive method is
Ans:- Sterilization
Ques:- Gestational sac can be seen in Sonagraphy during
Ans:- 5 to 6 weeks
Ques:- Total number of chromosomes in ovum is
Ans:- 23
Ques:- Which abdominal grip is used to assess the descent of head in a pregnant woman ?
Ans:- Pelvic – 2
Ques:- After delivery breastfeeding shou;d be given
Ans:- As early as possible
Ques:- In the Labour Episiotomy is done in
Ans:- 2nd stage
Ques:- During pregnancy rate of oxygen consumption increases by
Ans:- 20 – 30 %
Ques:- Pregnant uterus becomes abdominal organ in…………………..weeks.
Ans:- 12
Ques:- Implantation occurs in the uterus on the…………………….
Ans:- 4th day
Ques:- Which of the following Gas is used in Laparoscopy ?
Ans:- CO2
Ques:- The total weight gain in normal pregnancy is
Ans:- 11 kg
Ques:- Contraindication in threatened abortion is
Ans:- Enema
Ques:- Threatened abortion is bleeding before
Ans:- 28th week of pregnancy
Ques:- If mother gets Rubella after 4th month of pregnancy, her baby will be
Ans:- Mentally retarded
Ques:- The blood vessels in the umbilical cord consists of
Ans:- 2 arteries and 1 vein
Ques:- 100 gms of human milk contains
Ans:- 7 gms of sugar
Ques:- The safest method of termination of pregnancy before 12 weeks is
Ans:- Dilatation and curettage
Ques:- The method of applying medication to the skin is known as
Ans:- Inunction
Ques:- Difference between apical and radial pulse is called
Ans:- Pulse deficit
Ques:- Blood stain should be removed by
Ans:- Boric solution
Ques:- All are comfort devices except
Ans:- Makintosh
Ques:- Mercury is used in a thermometer because
Ans:- It does not stick to the sides of thermometer
Ques:- Cholera patient will pass
Ans:- Rice water stools
Ques:- The scientific principle used in bowel wash is
Ans:- Diffusion
Ques:- What type of bandage should be used to hold perineal dressing in position ?
Ans:- “T” bandage
Ques:- Coughing up of the blood is known as
Ans:- Malaena
Ques:- Foot drop can prevented in the bed to patient by the use of
Ans:- Splint
Ques:- The rhythm of the pulse is
Ans:- Spacing of the beats
Ques;- Blood in sputum is called
Ans:- Haemoptysis
Ques:- Examination of the ear is done with the help of
Ans;- Otoscope
Ques:- The enamel of the tooth is destroyed by
Ans:- Acid media
Ques:- Dark and tarry stool are known as
Ans:- Melaena
Ques:- For collecting sterile specimen of urine it should be collected from
Ans:- First stream
Ques:- Artificial feeding is also known as
Ans:- Gavage
Ques:- Which of the following is not a parameter for “Glasgow Coma Scale “ ?
Ans:- Papillary response
Ques:- ‘Bleeding gums’is a feature of deficiency of which of the following vitamins ?
Ans:- Vitamin C
Ques:- Alfred Binet is associated with
Ans;- Personality Testing
Ques:- Which of the following medicines is useful in the treatment of organophosphorus poisoning ?
Ans:- Atropine
Ques:- Which of the following medicines is useful for reducing raised intracranial pressure ?
Ans:- I.V. Mannitol
Ques;- In case of hyperthyroidism, which of the following is increased ?
Ans:- T3, T4, TSH
Ques:- Which of the following is not an essential amino acid ?
Ans:- Arginine
Ques:- Of the following type of insulin, which is the most rapid acting ?
Ans:- Regular
Ques:- Deficiency of Vitamin D in body may lead to
Ans:- Rickets
Ques:- The term ‘epicentra’ is associated with
Ans:- Earthquakes