Solved Reasoning Question Asked In HPSSC LDR clerk post code 957 Exam 2022


Solved Reasoning Question Answer Asked In HPSSC LDR clerk Post code 957 Exam Question Paper Held On 27 March 2022

|| Solved Reasoning Question Answer Asked In HPSSC  LDR clerk post code 957  Exam Question Paper Held On 27 March 2022|| Solved Reasoning Question Answer Asked In HPSSSB Hamirpur  LDR clerk post code 957 Exam Question Paper Held On 27 March 2022||

 1. Illiteracy : Education :: FLood : ??

(A) Rain (B) Bridge (C) Dam (D) River

2. In the English alphabet ‘BDG’ is to ‘CFJ’ in the same way as ‘EGJ’ is to  ||||

अंग्रेजी वर्णक्रम में जैसे “BDG को “CFJ” कहा जाता है उसी प्रकार “EGJ को क्या कहा जायेगा?

(A) FIL 




3. Missing terms in the letter series ab_ _ _b_bbaa

अक्षर शृंखला  ab_ _ _b_bbaa में लुप्त पद हैं।

(A) abaab (B) abbab (C) baaab (D) babba

4. Which letter is 14Th to the left of 7th letter from the right in English alphabet ?

अंग्रेजी वर्णक्रम में कौन सा अक्षर दाहिनी ओर से 7वें अक्षर के बायें से 14वाँ है ?

(A) F (B) U (C) E (D) V

5. How many pairs of letters are there in the word “COMPENSATION’ which have the same number of letters between them as in English alphabet ?  ||||

(A) Four (B) Five (C) Six (D) Seven

शब्द “COMPENSATION’ में अक्षरों के कितने युग्म है जिनमें उनके बीच उतने ही अक्षर है जितने अंग्रेजी वर्णक्रम में है?

(A) चार

(B) पाँच

(C) छह

(D) सात

6. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ATN using each letter only once in each word ?


(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

7. If the letters of the word ‘HANDOVER’ are arranged alphabetically from left to right, how many letters will remain at the same position ?

(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three

8. In a certain code language ‘GEOPHYSICS’ is written as ‘IOPDHZRJBT’. How is ‘ALTIMETERS’ written in that code?

एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में “GEOPHYSICS” को “IOPDHZRJBT” लिखा जाता है। उस कोड में “ALTIMETERS कैसे लिखा जाता है?




(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं

9. If South-East becomes North, North-East becomes West and so on, what will West become

(A) North-East (B) North-West (C) South-East (D) South-West

यदि दक्षिण-पूर्व उत्तर हो जाता है, उत्तर-पूर्व पश्चिम हो जाता है और इसी तरह आगे, पश्चिम क्या होगा?

(A) उत्तर-पूर्व

(B) उत्तर-पश्चिम

 (C) दक्षिण-पूर्व

(D) दक्षिण-पश्चिम

10. In a row of 24 boys, when Ajay was shifted by 4 places towards left, he became 8 from the left end. What was his earlier position from the right end of the row?

(A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 14 (D) 15

11. If room is called bed, bed is called window, window is called flower and flower is called cooler, on what would a man sleep?   ||||

(A) Window

(B) Bed

(C) Flower

(D) Cooler

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