Study of Research and Statistics in Psychology and Education Question Answer In English

Study of Research and Statistics in Psychology and Education Question Answer In English


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Study of Research and Statistics in Psychology and Education Question Answer In English For TET & TGT Exam:

1.An important social consideration in assessing the importance of a research problem is:
(1) The researcher’s genuine interest in the problem
(2) The practical value of the findings for academics, parents and social workers, etc.
(3) Background of knowledge of skills required and the researcher
(4) Possibility of obtaining reliable and valid data by the researchers

2. What is the purpose of academic research?
(1) Identifying major problems that need to be solved
(2) To discover new facts and principles coming under the process of education
(3) To identify the purpose of education
(4) Identifying those values keeping in mind the needs of the students

3. What is measure by used to projective technique?
(1) For personal self-actualization needs
(2) For personal inventive interests
(3) Repressed dominant emotions, conflicts by the individual, which usually get stored in the unconscious mind
(4) Personal policy

4. What is the meaning of data?
(1) Fact
(2) True
(3) Observation
(4) Marking

5. Which of the following is not related to the other three?
(1) Logical validity
(2) Construct validity
(3) Sample validity
(4) Curriculum validity

6. Which technique is most commonly used in academic research?
(1) Questionnaire
(2) Interview
(3) Observation
(4) Sociometry

7. What is included in descriptive research according to Van Dalen?
(1) Survey study
(2) Inter-relationship study
(3) Developmental study
(4) All of these

8.In what relation are the concepts of internal external criticism linked?
(1) Validity of experimental design of research
(2) Descriptive research
(3) Historical research
(4) Literary research

9. Which of the following is not an advantage of non-parametric statistical tests?
(1) They may be used when the data is in the form of ranks or categories
(2) They may be used in situations where parametric tests are applicable
(3) They explain the exact probabilities irrespective of the size of the population distribution
(4) They are less powerful than parametric tests

10. What type of statistical data is used in academic research?
(1) Descriptive statistical analysis
(2) Approximate statistical analysis
(3) Both
(4) None of these

11. When the question is presented to the respondents in a face to face situation and the interviewer fills in the query instead of the subjects, it is called:
(1) List
(2) Questionnaire
(3) Schedule
(4) Test

12. An assessment is if the same student gets the same result every time.
(1) Valid
(2) Invalid
(3) Reliable
(4) Unreliable

13. A evaluation that measures what the measurement is to………..?
(1) Valid
(2) Invalid
(3) Reliable
(4) Unreliable

14. The importance of research in education is not due to implicit?
(1) It is a tool for verifying, testing and validating knowledge
(2) It is a powerful means of creation of new knowledge
(3) It has been transferred to the center of behavioural science
(4) It provides answers to many problems faced by teachers

15. What is the mean deviation?
(1) Of change
(2) Of correlation
(3) Of central tendency
(4) Of distribution

16. What is the reliability of primary data?
(1) Always more reliable than secondary data
(2) Less reliable than secondary data
(3) Depends on how carefully the data is collected
(4)Depends on the data collecting agency

17.Which of the following is the positional average?
(1) Arithmetic mean
(2) Mode
(3) Geometric mean
(4) Harmonic mean

18. Which of the following is the most unstable average?
(1) Median
(2) Arithmetic mean
(3) Mode
(4) Geometric mean

19. When a researcher conducts an experiment, he wants to ensure that there is no difference between the control and experiment groups………………..
(1) Hypothesis
(2) Experimental manipulation
(3) Difference between subjects
(4) Circulated definition

20. By subtracting the lowest score from the highest score, the researcher is able to determine……..
(1) Median score
(2) Mode
(3) Range of scores
(4) Standard deviation

21. Most beginners in research suffer from:
(1) Most of the problems
(2) The problem of blindness
(3) The problem of lack of training
(4) None of these

22. A research hypothesis is usually converted to the null hypothesis:
(1) It is safe.
(2) It cannot be tested statistically
(3) This is a general statement
(4) This is an ambiguous statement

23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of research process?
(1) Empirical approach
(2) Systematic effort
(3) Uncontrolled variables
(4) Critical analysis

24. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
(1) Range
(2) Mode
(3) Mean Deviation
(4) Standard Deviation

25. The concept of school complex was first implemented in:
(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Bihar
(4) Rajasthan

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